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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Loan Purchase Limits: Request for Public Input on Implementation Issues

Notice Details
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Document Number
Federal Register Publish Date
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Comment End Date

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Loan Purchase Limits: Request for Public Input on Implementation Issues


SUMMARY: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is requesting public input on implementation issues associated with a contemplated reduction in loan purchase limits by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) (together, the Enterprises). Each Enterprise must set its loan purchase limits at or below the maximum limits, which are determined by statutory formulas. The maximum limits for 2014 were published by FHFA on November 26, 2013. A decrease in the Enterprises’ loan limits below the statutory maximums is one means of reducing the Enterprises’ financial market footprint pursuant to FHFA’s Strategic Plan for Enterprise Conservatorships. Other means of reducing the Enterprises’ footprint relate to their single-family mortgage guarantee business and include increasing guarantee fees and engaging in risk-sharing transactions.

The basic premise of these measures is as follows: with an uncertain future and a desire for private capital to re-enter the market, the Enterprises’ market presence should be reduced gradually over time. In addition, at the end of 2012, the amount of taxpayer capital available to support the Enterprises’ outstanding debt and mortgage-backed securities obligations became fixed. Limiting their risk exposure is vital to maintaining the adequacy of the remaining capital support through the financial support agreements between the Enterprises and the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Finally, a taxpayer-backed conservatorship provides a significant subsidy to the mortgage market that limits private capital participation and underprices risk in the market.

The contemplated action described below is a plan and not a final decision. The requested public input will be carefully reviewed before FHFA decides whether and how to proceed with the planned reductions in Freddie Mac’s and Fannie Mae’s loan purchase limits. In short, no final decision on loan purchase limits will be made until all input is reviewed. The changes contemplated in this Request for Public Input will not affect loans originated before October 1, 2014.

The remainder of this Request for Public Input sets forth: FHFA’s legal authority for directing the Enterprises to set loan purchase limits below the maximum loan limits; the planned approach to reduce the Enterprises’ loan limits; and a request for public input regarding implementation of the plan. An appendix to this Request for Public Input includes analysis describing the potential impact of the plan.

Public Comments people-icon

Below are a compilation of public comments made on this notice.

163 items
Date Sort ascending First Name Last Name Organization Comment
Mel Bermudez RE/MAX I believe that rates should be kept at their current limits or raised…View Comment
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Brent McDonald AmeriFirst Financial Inc. Please do not lower loan limits. When loan limits are deployed they se…View Comment
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Paula Cotton Beacon Property Solutions FHFA should not lower loan limits for conventional financing. I am a r…View Comment
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MARVIN SHELLEY N/A I am a real estate broker and I support lowering the loan limits. Nati…View Comment
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Michael Regan N/A To whom it may concern I am against the proposed change to lower the c…View Comment
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Doug Juenke For Sale By Owner Real Estate, Inc. Hello FHFA, You guys have to be kidding us professional REALTORS that…View Comment
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Jim Feeney N/A In my opinion these limits should be lowered by even a greater percent…View Comment
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Sam Locricchio N/A I don’t believe lowering the Fannie Mae’s or Freddie Mac’s limit would…View Comment
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Mark Cappelletti Hometown American Realty It would make sense to lower the limits AFTER private sources have ent…View Comment
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Miguel Salvat N/A To Whom it May Concern: With home values rising across…View Comment
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Rick Meyers Meyers Realty Group I am frequently asked if I recommend that agents send or drop off a pr…View Comment
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Lori Greymont N/A I live in the SF Bay Area. The economy is finally starting to grow. Re…View Comment
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Frederick Manning FIRST WORLD MORTGAGE CORPORATION Given the uncertainty over access to funds in the Jumbo market, it see…View Comment
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Guy Schwartz CMG Financial To rock the Residential lending community by changing the limit by 4%?…View Comment
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Tom Paustian N/A I have read through the proposed loan limit modifications for Fannie a…View Comment
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Jannell Mitchell Network Mortgage Services, Inc I am in favor of keeping the loan limits the same and not lowering the…View Comment
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Guy Schwartz CMG Financial 417,000 Thank you, GuyView Comment Email: N/A
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Gary Ray Network Home Loans To whom it may concern: I am asking to not reduce the amount of loan l…View Comment
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Emmett Clark N/A Hello. I saw the press release yesterday about reducing loan limits fr…View Comment
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Steven Sovare N/A December 17, 2013 RE: public comment on plans to reduce the maximum lo…View Comment
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Tom Martindale Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. Any reductions in the conforming limits will only continue to hinder t…View Comment
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Vicente (Vince) Songcayawon AmeriSongs Corporation Dear FHFA, I think it is a mistake to lower the loan limit. In fact,…View Comment
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Jennifer Murphy Network Home Loans Please do not lower loan limits, leave them as they are.View Comment Email: N/A
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Mike Lynch Clear Vision Funding Please do not further restrict the housing market by reducing the conf…View Comment
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Rick Cunniffe N/A Lowering the loan limits is only going to cost the consumer more money…View Comment
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