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Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Affordable Housing Goals

Housing Goals Overview

Under the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992, as amended by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are subject to affordable housing goals covering their purchases of single-family mortgages and multifamily mortgages.

Single-Family Housing Goals

There are three single-family housing goals for home purchase mortgages (plus two subgoals) and one single-family housing goal for refinance mortgages.

The single-family home purchase (HP) housing goals are based on the percentage of the total number of home purchase mortgages that an Enterprise purchases each year that are for families in the following categories:

  • Low-income families (income no greater than 80 percent of area median income);
  • Very low-income families (income no greater than 50 percent of area median income); and
  • Families in low-income areas which include families with income no greater than 100 percent of area median income who reside in designated disaster areas and the subgoal(s):
    • Before 2022: low-income areas subgoal
    • Since 2022: low-income census tracts subgoal and minority census tracts subgoal

Th​e single-family refinance housing goal is based on the percentage of the total number of refinance mortgages that an Enterprise purchases each year that are for low-income families (income no greater than 80 percent of area median income).

FHFA is required to estimate the size of the mortgage market in order to establish benchmarks for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac single-family mortgage housing goals.

​Multifamily Housing Goals

There are three multifamily housing goals and subgoals in the following categories:

  • A goal for the percentage of units affordable to low-income families (income no greater than 80 percent of area median income);
  • A subgoal for the percentage of units affordable to very low-income families (income no greater than 50 percent of area median income); and
  • A subgoal for units in small (5- to 50-unit) multifamily properties affordable to low-income families.

Before 2023, the multifamily goals and subgoals were based on the absolute number of affordable units in multifamily properties financed by mortgages purchased by the Enterprises. Starting in 2023, the multifamily goals and subgoals are based on the percentage of affordable units in multifamily properties financed by mortgages purchased by the Enterprises.


Housing Goals Performance​

​Learn more about Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's housing goals performance.

Annual Housing Report


Housing Goals Data

Learn more about Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's housing goals data​.​

Housing Goals Final Rule Documents

Housing Goals Final Rule for 2025-2027 Enterprise Housing Goals

Housing Goals Final Rule Model Paper: The Size of the Affordable Mortgage Market: 2025-2027 Enterprise Single-Family Housing Goals

Housing Goals Final Rule for 2023-2024 Multifamily Goals

Housing Goals Final Rule for 2022-2024 Single-Family and 2022 Multifamily Goals

Housing Goals Final Rule Model Paper: The Size of the Affordable Mortgage Market: 2022-2024 Enterprise Single-Family Housing Goals


Housing Goals Proposed Rule Documents

Housing Goals Proposed Rule for 2025-2027 Enterprise Housing Goals

Housing Goals Proposed Rule Model Paper: The Size of the Affordable Mortgage Market: 2025-2027 Enterprise Single-Family Housing Goals

Housing Goals Proposed Rule for 2023-2024 Multifamily Goals

Housing Goals Proposed Rule for 2022-2024 Single-Family and 2022 Multifamily Goals

Housing Goals Proposed Rule Model Paper: The Size of the Affordable Mortgage Market: 2022-2024 Enterprise Single-Family Housing Goals


Archive Rule Documents


Rule YearProposed RuleFinal Rule
2021Federal RegisterFederal Register
2018-2020Federal RegisterFederal Register
2015-2017Federal RegisterFederal Register


​Enterprise Reports

Fannie Mae Housing Goal Annual Housing Activity Reports and Determinations
Freddie Mac Housing Goal Annual Housing Activity Reports and Determinations


Group Homes Letters

Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac

Utility Allowances Letters

YearFannie MaeFreddie Mac


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Affordable Housing and Community Investment page



Page last updated: August 22, 2024