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  • 2022-2024 All Rural Tracts Map

    The Duty to Serve (DTS) All Rural Tracts Map shows the census tracts that are considered rural areas or non-rural areas for DTS purposes. Users can select a state to view the underlying Census tracts that meet the DTS rural definition.

  • Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) Aggregate Statistics Dashboards

    The UAD Aggregate Statistics Dashboards are the visual front end of the UAD Aggregate Statistics Data File. The Dashboards are designed to provide easy access to customized maps and charts for all levels of users. Through the Dashboards, users may access a broad set of data points and trends found in appraisal reports, and group appraisal statistics by property, site and neighborhood characteristics, and geographic levels (national, state plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) or Metropolitan Divisions, county, and tract).

  • National Mortgage Database (NMDB®) Residential Mortgage Performance Statistics Dashboard

    Interactive data visualization tool for displaying the data published in the Residential Mortgage Performance Statistics data series of the NMDB Aggregate Statistics. Users can interactively create, analyze, and export custom charts and data tables.

  • Enterprise Multifamily Public Use Database (MF PUDB) Aggregate Statistics Dashboard

    Interactive data visualization tools for displaying the data published in the MF PUDB. The Aggregate Statistics in the Dashboard are created from the three Multifamily PUDB datasets. Users can interactively create, analyze, and export custom charts and data tables. The Dashboard provides users a way to generate statistics derived from the MF PUDB files without the need to download PUDB data files and import them into statistical software for further analysis.

  • National Mortgage Database (NMDB®) Outstanding Residential Mortgage Statistics Dashboard

    Interactive data visualization tool for displaying the data published in the Outstanding Residential Mortgage Statistics data series of the NMDB Aggregate Statistics. Users can interactively create, analyze, and export custom charts and data tables.

  • FHFA HPI® Top 100 Metro Area Rankings

    The FHFA HPI® is the nation’s only public, freely available index that measures changes in single-family house prices based on data covering all 50 states and over 400 American cities. Extending back to the mid-1970s, the HPIs are built on tens of millions of home sales and offer insights about house price fluctuations at national, census division, state, metro area, county, ZIP code, and census tract levels.

  • FHFA HPI® Four-Quarter Appreciation Map

    A map displaying four-quarter (year-over-year) house price appreciation rates at the national, state, and MSA level. It is based on the purchase-only, seasonally adjusted index using prices from sales transactions of mortgage data obtained from the Enterprises.

  • FHFA HPI® ZIP5 Map

    A map displaying annual house price appreciation rates at the five-digit ZIP code level. Based on a developmental all-transactions index. Indexes are constructed on a yearly basis to provide data for very small geographic areas.  Minor adjustments were made to produce more localized measures.

  • FHFA HPI® Summary Table

    A summary data table of state, city, and census division indexes for the most current period. It is based on the purchase-only, seasonally adjusted index using prices from sales transactions of mortgage data obtained from the Enterprises.

  • Duty to Serve 2021​ Single-Family Dashboard

    The Duty to Serve Single-Family Dashboard is an interactive map that looks at the share of Enterprise single-family loans located in Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing, Rural, and High-needs Rural areas at the state and county levels.

  • ​2018-2021 DTS Multifamily Dashbo​ard

    The Duty to Serve Multifamily Dashboard is an interactive map that looks at the number of multifamily units supported by Enterprise loans and investments that meet DTS income requirements for multifamily objectives in the Affordable Housing Preservation, Manufactured Housing, and Rural Housing markets.

  • Enterprise Single-Family Public Use Database Dashboard

    The Enterprise Single-Family Public Use Database (PUDB) Dashboard provides users an interactive way to generate and visualize Enterprise PUDB data from single-family mortgages that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac acquire.

  • Mortgage Loan and Natural Disaster Dashboard

    FHFA’s interactive Mortgage Loan and Natural Disaster Dashboard maps data from FHFA’s PUDB reports on single-family and multifamily acquisitions for the regulated entities, FEMA’s National Risk Index (NRI), and FHFA’s Duty to Serve 2023 High-Needs rural areas.

  • Borrower Assistance Map

    Borrower Assistance Map provides data on the performance of the Enterprises’ single-family loans and the level of assistance being provided to distressed borrowers including home retention and foreclosure alternative actions by state.

  • Conforming Loan Limit Values Map

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are restricted by law to purchasing single-family mortgages with origination balances below a specific amount, known as the “conforming loan limit” (CLL) value. The CLL values are set by FHFA on an annual basis and vary geographically, using guidelines specified in the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) and as modified in subsequent legislation. This map shows Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac single-family maximum allowable mortgage origination balances by county. 

  • FHFA HPI® County Map

    A map displaying annual house price appreciation rates at the county level. Based on a developmental all-transactions index. Indexes are constructed on a yearly basis to provide data for very small geographic areas.  Minor adjustments were made to produce more localized measures.

  • FHFA HPI® Calculator

    The FHFA House Price Calculator estimates what a given house purchased at a point in time would be worth today if it appreciated at the average appreciation rate of all homes in the area.

  • Duty to Serve 2023 High-Needs Counties Map

    The Duty to Serve High-Needs Counties Map is an interactive map that highlights counties where census tracts that are categorized as Duty to Serv High-Needs Rural Regions are located. These include Persistent Poverty Counties, Middle Appalachia, Lower Mississippi Delta, and Colonias. Effective July 1, 2023, amendments to the Duty to Serve regulation modify the definition of "rural area" to include all "colonia census tracts" that would not otherwise satisfy the definition.

  • 2022-2024 Duty to Serve High-Needs Counties with Rural Tracts Map

    The Duty to Serve High-Needs Counties with Rural Tracts Map is an interactive map that highlights counties where census tracts that are categorized as Duty to Serve High-Needs Rural Regions are located. These include Persistent Poverty Counties, Middle Appalachia, Lower Mississippi Delta, and Colonias. Interacting with any county on the map allows users to view a map of census tracts within the county, and whether the tracts are classified as Duty to Serve Rural or Not Duty to Serve Rural. Effective July 1, 2023, amendments to the Duty to Serve regulation modify the definition of "rural area" to include all "colonia census tracts" that would not otherwise satisfy the definition.

  • ​Duty to Serve 2022 High-Needs Counties Map

    The Duty to Serve High-Needs Counties Map is an interactive map that highlights counties where census tracts that are categorized as Duty to Serve High-Needs Rural Regions are located. These include Persistent Poverty Counties, Middle Appalachia, Lower Mississippi Delta, and Colonias.

  • ​UAD Aggregate Statistics Top 100 Metro Areas Dashboard

    An interactive list ranking the 100 largest metropolitan areas by annual and quarterly change in median appraised value.