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Policy Page
Non-Performing (NPL) and Re-Performing Loan (RPL) Sales

The sale of NPLs and RPLs by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) reduces the number of deeply delinquent loans held in their inventories and transfers credit and interest rate risk to the private sector. Additionally, data provided by NPL buyers’ servicers over time show more favorable outcomes for borrowers than if the NPLs stayed in Enterprise portfolio through resolution. Purchasers of Enterprise NPLs and RPLs are subject to requirements published by FHFA, which have been enhanced over time, most recently 2023.

​Links to the most recent NPL and RPL Sales Requirements Fact Sheet and NPL Sales Reports can be found at:

​Read more about Fannie Mae​ and Freddie Mac​​ NPL and RPL sales. ​  


Date last updated: June 18, 2024