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Market Data

Residential Mortgage Debt Outstanding—Enterprise Share, 1990 – 2010

Total mortgages held or securitized by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a Percentage of Residential Mortgage Debt Outstanding, 1990 – 2010.

Note: Currently, FHFA does not have any plans to update this dataset through more recent periods.

Single-Family Mortgages Originated and Outstanding, 1990 – 2011 Q2

Statistics for conventional and government-insured or -guaranteed loans and, within each of those sectors, for fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages. Conventional loans are also divided into jumbo and non-jumbo loans.

Note: Currently, FHFA does not have any plans to update this dataset through more recent periods.​ 


Description Format
Enterprise Share of Residential Mortgage Debt Outstanding 1990 – 2010 [XLS]
Single-Family Mortgage Originations, 1990 – 2011 Q2  [XLS]
Single-Family Mortgages Outstanding, 1990 – 2011 Q2  [revised 11/2/11] [XLS]

Treasury and Federal Reserve Purchase Programs for GSE and Mortgage-Related Securities

Data on activities by the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve System to support mortgage markets through purchases of securities issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks and by Ginnie Mae, a federal agency that guarantees securities backed by mortgages insured or guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other federal agencies. More details are available on the Treasury and Federal Reserve Purchase Programs for GSE and Mortgage-Related Securities page.

​Note: Currently, FHFA does not have any plans to update this dataset through more recent periods.