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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 12/18/13
    First Name: Rick
    Last Name: Meyers
    Organization: Meyers Realty Group
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: 2013-N-18
  • Comment

    I am frequently asked if I recommend that agents send
    or drop off a pre-listing package before the actual listing
    appointment. You bet I do. Let's face it; everything helps
    when the competition is stiff.
    Someone asked me if I had ever been bitten by an elephant.
    Of course I hadn't. Then they asked if I had ever been bitten
    by a mosquito. Of course, hasn't everyone? And that's the point.
    It's the little things that get us every time.
    The pre-listing package is a tool to get people excited about
    you and your company before they meet with you. It's a tickler,
    not unlike a movie trailer that shows a few of the best scenes
    of an upcoming movie. Those scenes make you want more of the same.
    The trick is not to give away too much. The anticipation is part
    of the pleasure, and that is why sizzle sells the steak.
    Click here to read the Power Prelisting Package Article
    I recommend this Prelisting Package for all real estate agents
    that wants to impress their seller, and take in more listings...
    Click here and read the Power Prelisting Package Article
    Have an awesome day
    Sincerely yours,
    Rick Meyers
    Meyers Realty Group