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Historical Information 2008 and Prior

Supervisory Actions


No-Action Letters




Supervisory Actions

  Supervisory Action No. 2008-SUP-01




Waivers, which were first issued in 1998, are written statements issued to a Federal Home Loan Bank, a Federal Home Loan Bank member, or the Office of Finance that waive a provision, restriction, or requirement of a Federal Housing Finance Board rule, regulation, policy, or order, or a required submission of information, not otherwise required by law, in connection with a particular transaction or activity. The authority to issue, and the procedure for applying for, a Waiver are found in sections 907.2, 907.6, and 907.7 of the Finance Board's Procedures regulation (12 C.F.R. §§ 907.2, 907.6, and 907.7).

12/11/2000 2000-WV-02: Six-Month Waiting Period For Voluntary Withdrawal From Federal Home Loan Bank Membership [PDF]
6/1/2000 2000-WV-01: Minimum Number of Board of Directors’ Meetings [PDF]



No-Action Letters

No-Action Letters, which were first issued in 1998, are written statements issued to a Federal Home Loan Bank or the Office of Finance providing that Federal Housing Finance Board staff will not recommend supervisory or other action to the Board of Directors for failure to comply with a specific provision of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act or a Finance Board rule, regulation, policy, or order, if the requester undertakes the proposed transaction or activity.  

The authority to issue, and the procedure for applying for, a No-Action Letter are found in sections 907.4, 907.6, and 907.7 of the Finance Board's Procedures regulation (12 C.F.R. §§ 907.4, 907.6, and 907.7).To apply for a No-Action Letter, the Federal Home Loan Bank or the Office of Finance sends a written request to the Finance Board signed by the president of the Bank or the chairperson of the Office of Finance board of directors that includes:

  • The name of the requester, and the name, title, address, telephone number, and electronic mail address, if any, of the official filing the request on its behalf.
  • The name, address, telephone number, and electronic mail address, if any, of a contact person from whom Finance Board staff may seek additional information if necessary.
  • The section numbers of the particular provisions of the Bank Act or Finance Board rules, regulations, policies, or orders to which the request relates.
  • Identification of the determination or relief requested, including any alternative relief requested if the primary relief is denied, and a clear statement of why such relief is needed.
  • A statement of the particular facts and circumstances giving rise to the request and identifying all relevant legal and factual issues.
  • References to all relevant authorities, including the Bank Act, Finance Board rules, regulations, policies, and orders, judicial decisions, administrative decisions, relevant statutory interpretations, and policy statements.
  • References to any Waivers, No-Action Letters, Approval Letters, or Regulatory Interpretations issued to the requester in the past in response to circumstances similar to those surrounding the request.
  • For any request involving interpretation of the Bank Act or Finance Board regulations, a reasoned opinion of counsel supporting the relief or interpretation sought and distinguishing any adverse authority.
  • Any non-duplicative, relevant supporting documentation.
  • A certification by a person with knowledge of the facts that the representations made in the application or request are accurate and complete.  The following form of certification is sufficient for this purpose:  “I hereby certify that the statements contained in the submission are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. [Name and Title].”


 No-Action Letters are numbered in sequence by year with the prefix “NAL”, e.g., 2002-NAL-##.


Date Description Format
8/3/2007 2007-NAL-01: Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle: Waiver of Advance Prepayment Fee [PDF]
1/10/2006 2006-NAL-01: Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas: Temporary Noncompliance with AHP Reporting, Monitoring, and Rescoring Requirements (12 C.F.R. part 951) for Projects Affected by Hurricane Katrina [PDF]
12/13/2006 2006-NAL-02: Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines: Noncompliance with Requirement to Deposit Unused or Uncommitted 2006 Affordable Housing Program Funds in Affordable Housing Reserve Fund [PDF]


2005-NAL-03: Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati: Noncompliance with the AHP Rescoring Requirement for Modification of Approved AHP Applications [PDF]
11/20/2005 2005-NAL-02: Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas: Transactions to Accommodate Members and Housing Associates Affected by Hurricane Katrina [PDF]
9/9/2005 2005-NAL-01: Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas: Temporary Noncompliance with Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Income Targeting Requirements for Rental Projects Housing Victims of Hurricane Katrina [PDF]
12/10/2004 2004-NAL-03: Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta: Temporary Noncompliance by Rental Projects With Affordable Housing Program Income Targeting Requirements in Disaster Areas [PDF]
1/24/2004 2004-NAL-02: Application of the Counseling Requirement in 12 C.F.R. § 951.5(a)(2)(ii) to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis Disaster Recovery Plan Homeownership Set-Aside Program [PDF]
1/9/2004 2004-NAL-01: Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines: Term Requirement for Members of the Affordable Housing Program Advisory Council [PDF]
3/10/2003 2003-NAL-01: Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago 2002 Financial Statements Waiver [PDF]
8/6/2002 2002-NAL-06: Prepayment Fee Waiver Pertaining to Housing Corporation [PDF]
6/28/2002 2002-NAL-05: Approval of New Business Activity Notice and No-Action Letter [PDF]
6/28/2002 2002-NAL-04: Documents and Other Records Lost in Connection With the Federal Home Loan Bank Headquarters’ Destruction on September 11, 2001 [PDF]
3/11/2002 2002-NAL-03: Failure to Comply With 12 C.F.R. § 950.11(a) Regarding Capital Stock Requirements Due to Circumstances Surrounding the Events of September 11, 2001 [PDF]
3/7/2002 2002-NAL-02: Income Statement Waiver [PDF]
3/7/2002 2002-NAL-01: Income Statement Waiver [PDF]
10/11/2001 2001-NAL-05: Financial Management Policy Exception Overnight Funding of Federal Home Loan Bank Member Due to Events of September 11, 2001 [PDF]
10/5/2001 2001-NAL-04: Allocation of Fiscal Year 2001 Affordable Housing Program Funds Into the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2002 [PDF]
9/25/2001 2001-NAL-03: Early Adoption of the Unsecured Credit Limits Contained in 12 C.F.R. 932.9 [PDF]
3/2/2001 2001-NAL-02: Income Statement Waiver [PDF]
3/2/2001 2001-NAL-01: Income Statement Waiver [PDF]
10/27/2000 2000-NAL-11: Six-Month Waiting Period for Withdrawal from Membership [PDF]
10/6/2000 2000-NAL-10: Strategic Business Plan Implementation [PDF]
8/22/2000 2000-NAL-09: Strategic Business Plan Implementation [PDF]
8/22/2000 2000-NAL-08: Inadvertent of Provision of Services to Nonmember [PDF]
6/28/2000 2000-NAL-07: Single Family Member Mortgage Assets Held By Federal Home Loan Banks in Excess of Cap [PDF]
6/23/2000 2000-NAL-06: Reporting Cash Flows and Duration of Equity With FIRREA Obligation Cash Flows [PDF]
5/26/2000 2000-NAL-05: Amendment of Federal Home Loan Bank Presidents Incentive Compensation Plan [PDF]
5/26/2000 2000-NAL-04: Amendment of Federal Home Loan Bank Presidents Incentive Compensation Plan [PDF]
5/26/2000 2000-NAL-03: Amendment of Federal Home Loan Bank Presidents Incentive Compensation Plan [PDF]
3/10/2000 2000-NAL-02: Treatment of De Novo Membership [PDF]
3/6/2000 2000-NAL-01: Income Statement Waiver [PDF]
12/16/1999 1999-NAL-06: Multifamily Mortgage Loan Purchase [PDF]
12/7/1999 1999-NAL-05: Liquidity and Resolution Number 1999-33 [PDF]
11/30/1999 1999-NAL-04: Income Statement Waiver [PDF]
8/31/1999 1999-NAL-03: Compensation of Federal Home Loan Bank President [PDF]
6/30/1999 1999-NAL-02: Employment Termination And Release Agreement [PDF]
1/14/1999 1999-NAL-01: Noncompliance with Section 960.5(b)(2)(ii)(B) of the Revised Affordable Housing Program Regulation [PDF]
10/14/1998 1998-NAL-17: Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan [PDF]
10/1/1998 1998-NAL-16: Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan [PDF]
7/27/1998 1998-NAL-15: Rollover of Advances [PDF]
3/13/1998 1998-NAL-12: Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston [PDF]
2/25/1998 1998-NAL-02: Enforcement of Recapture Obligation for Over-Subsidized Affordable Housing Program Projects [PDF]
2/25/1998 1998-NAL-01: Noncompliance with Capital Stock Purchase Requirement by a Member During Withdrawal Waiting Period [PDF]




Date Description Format
1/15/2008 2008-01: Waiver of AHP Regulation to Permit Refinancing of Subprime Mortgage Loans [PDF]
2/20/2008 2008-04: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
3/24/2008 2008-08: Temporary Authorization to Invest in Additional Agency Mortgage Securities [PDF]
4/9/2008 2008-09: Proposed Rule: Affordable Housing Program Amendments [PDF]
6/11/2008 2008-12: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas [PDF]
12/12/2007 2007-42: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York [PDF]
10/9/2007 2007-30: Delegation of Authority to Enter Into a Stipulation and Consent to the Issuance of an Order to Cease and Desist With the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago [PDF]
6/13/2007 2007-23: Final Rule: Financial Interests of Appointive Directors [PDF]
5/9/2007 2007-20: Affirmation of Delegation to Approve New Business Activity Submission [PDF]
4/11/2007 2007-10: Waivers Concerning Preparation of Combined Financial Reports [PDF]
3/27/2007 2007-05: Proposed Rule: Financial Interests of Appointive Directors [PDF]
3/27/2007 2007-04: Final Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Appointive Directors [PDF]
1/18/2007 2007-01: Interim Final Rule with Request for Comments: Federal Home Loan Bank Appointive Directors [PDF]
12/22/2006 2006-23: Final Rule: Limitation on Issuance of Excess Stock [PDF]
10/27/2006 2006-22: Resolution and Order Regarding the Issuance of Subordinated Notes By The Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago [PDF]
10/11/2006 2006-21: Amendment to the Capital Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
10/11/2006 2006-20 Attachment: Call Report Instructions [PDF]
9/13/2006 2006-17: Final Rule: Affordable Housing Program Amendments [PDF]
8/9/2013 2006-13 Attachment: Affordable Housing Program/Community Investment Cash Advance (AHP/CICA) Data Reporting Instructions [PDF]
8/9/2006 2006-13: Data Reporting Requirements: Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
6/14/2006 2006-11: Data Reporting Requirements: Acquired Member Assets [PDF]
6/14/2006 2006-11 Attachment 1: Acquired Member Assets (AMA) Data Reporting Instructions [PDF]
6/14/2006 2006-11 Attachment 2: Federal Home Loan Bank Elected Director Eligibility Certification Form [PDF]
7/12/2006 2006-12: Final Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Elective Directors [PDF]
6/14/2006 2006-10: Final Rule: Data Reporting Requirements for the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
6/14/2006 2006-09: Approval of 2006 Supplemental Budget Request of the Financing Corporation [PDF]
4/18/2006 2006-05: Delegation of Authority to Amend the Written Agreement with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago [PDF]
4/12/2006 2006-04: Proposed Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Director Elections [PDF]
3/8/2006 2006-03: Proposed Rule: Excess Stock Restrictions and Retained Earnings Requirements for the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
1/25/2006 2006-02: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta [PDF]
12/14/2006 2005-23: Proposed Rule: Affordable Housing Program Amendments [PDF]
12/14/2005 2005-22: Waiver Concerning the Direct Placement of Consolidated Obligations [PDF]
11/9/2005 2005-21: Approval of 2006 Financing Corporation (FICO) Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets and Delegation of Authority to Approve Future FICO Budgets [PDF]
10/18/2005 2005-20: Delegation of Authority to Amend the June 30, 2004 Written Agreement with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago [PDF]
9/14/2005 2005-16: Expedited Regulatory Relief to Support Victims of Hurricane Katrina [PDF]
8/10/2005 2005-15: Attachment 2 -- Membership System Data Elements [PDF]
8/10/2005 2005-15: Attachment 1 -- Membership Data Reporting Instructions for the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
8/10/2005 2005-15: Data Reporting Requirements: Membership Database [PDF]
7/13/2005 2005-14: Attachment 2 -- CRS Batch Data Loading Form Specification [PDF]
7/13/2005 2005-14: Attachment 1 -- Call Report Instructions [PDF]
7/13/2005 2005-14: Data Reporting Requirements: Call Report System [PDF]
6/16/2005 2005-12: Process for Removal or Suspension of a Federal Home Loan Bank Director or Officer [PDF]
6/8/2005 2005-11: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
6/8/2005 2005-10: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Waiver of the Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
6/8/2005 2005-09: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York [PDF]
3/9/2005 2005-05: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
2/9/2005 2005-04: Proposed Rule: Data Reporting Requirements for the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
2/9/2005 2005-02: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas [PDF]
1/5/2005 2005-01: Rescission of Resolution Number 2004-18: Federal Home Loan Bank Directorships [PDF]
1/23/2004 2004-01: Amendments to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta [PDF]
4/14/2004 2004-04: Amendments to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka [PDF]
4/14/2004 2004-05: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka: Waiver of the Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
6/23/2004 2004-07: Final Rule: Registration of Federal Home Loan Bank Equity Securities [PDF]
6/23/2004 2004-08: Delegation of Authority to Enter Into A Written Agreement with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago [PDF]
8/31/2004 2004-09: Amendments to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka [PDF]
8/31/2004 2004-10: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka: Waiver the Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
8/31/2004 2004-11: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka: Waiver of Minimum Disclosure Delivery Time Period [PDF]
11/12/2004 2004-15: Approval of 2005 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets -- Financing Corporation (FICO) [PDF]
12/8/2004 2004-16: Amendments to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
12/8/2004 2004-17: Delegation of Authority to Enter Into A Written Agreement with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
1/29/2003 2003-01: Rescission of Resolution Numbers 1996-73 and 1999-06 [PDF]
1/29/2003 2003-02: Approval of Claritas, Inc. as Data Source for Determining Area Median Incomes Under the Federal Home Loan Banks Community Investment Cash Advance Programs [PDF]
3/12/2003 2003-06: Proposed Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Appointive Directors [PDF]
6/19/2003 2003-10: Proposed Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Acquired Member Assets (withdrawn: see 2003-21) [PDF]
8/6/2003 2003-14: Amendments to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston [PDF]
8/6/2003 2003-15: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
8/6/2006 2003-16: Amendments to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco [PDF]
8/6/2006 2003-17: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
8/6/2006 2003-18: Approval of Restated Organization Certificate of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York [PDF]
  2003-18_attachment.pdf [PDF]
9/11/2003 2003-19: Proposed Rule: Registration of Federal Home Loan Bank Securities Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [PDF]
9/11/2003 2003-21: Withdrawal of Proposed Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Acquired Member Assets (see 2003-10) [PDF]
11/12/2003 2003-26: Amendments to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas [PDF]
11/12/2003 2003-27: Approval of 2004 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets -- Financing Corporation (FICO) [PDF]
12/20/2002 2002-63: Requesting Comment from the Federal Home Loan Banks Regarding Concerns Over and the Consequences of Ongoing Changes in the Financial Services Industry [PDF]
12/20/2002 2002-62: Final Rule: Procedure For Conducting Monthly Survey of Rates and Terms on Conventional One-Family Nonfarm Mortgage Loans (MIRS) [PDF]
12/20/2002 2002-61: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta [PDF]
11/13/2002 2002-60: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati [PDF]
11/13/2002 2002-59: Approval of 2003 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets -- Financing Corporation [PDF]
10/9/2002 2002-56: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis [PDF]
10/9/2002 2002-55: Amendment to the Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
9/12/2002 2002-52: Affordable Housing Program Amendments: Final Rule [PDF]
7/18/2002 2002-50: Approval of Restated Organization Certificate of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York [PDF]
  200250att.pdf [PDF]
7/18/2002 2002-49: Ratification of Staff Approval of Liquidity Facility Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and the New York City Transitional Finance Authority [PDF]
7/18/2002 2002-48: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
7/18/2002 2002-47: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
7/18/2002 2002-46: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-45: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-44: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-43: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-42: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-41: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-40: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-39: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
7/10/2002 2002-37: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-36: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-35: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-34: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-33: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-32: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-31: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-30: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-29: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-28: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-27: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago [PDF]
6/12/2002 2002-26: Affordable Housing Program Amendments: Proposed Rule [PDF]
5/8/2002 2002-24: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
5/8/2002 2002-23: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston [PDF]
5/8/2002 2002-22: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
5/8/2002 2002-21: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
5/8/2002 2002-20: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh [PDF]
5/8/2002 2002-19: Federal Home Loan Bank Consolidated Obligations  Definition of the Term Non-Mortgage Assets: Final Rule [PDF]
4/10/2002 2002-16: Office of Finance Board of Directors Meetings: Final Rule [PDF]
4/10/2002 2002-15: Affordable Housing Program Amendments: Final Rule [PDF]
4/10/2002 2002-14: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
4/10/2002 2002-13: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
4/10/2002 2002-12: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta [PDF]
3/13/2002 2002-11: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Financial Management Policy Exception [PDF]
3/13/2002 2002-10: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Waiver of Withdrawal Notice Requirement [PDF]
3/13/2002 2002-09: Capital Structure Plan of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
2/13/2002 2002-07: Review and Approval of Federal Home Loan Bank Capital Structure Plans [PDF]
2/13/2002 2002-06: Office of Finance Board of Directors Meetings: Proposed Rule [PDF]
2/13/2002 2002-05: Technical Amendments to FHFB Regulations: Final Rule [PDF]
2/13/2002 2002-04: Federal Home Loan Bank Consolidated Obligations  Definition of the Term Non-Mortgage Assets: Proposed Rule [PDF]
2/13/2002 2002-03: Rules of Practice and Procedure: Final Rule [PDF]
2/12/2002 2002-02: Denial of Saint Casimirs Savings Bank Request to Waive the Restriction on Eligibility to Participate in Community Investment Cash Advance Programs Imposed under Community Support Requirements Rule [PDF]
12/11/2001 2001-30: Affordable Housing Program Amendments: Proposed Rule [PDF]
12/11/2001 2001-29: Waiver of Compliance with the Minimum Liquidity Requirements of Section 932.8 and the Unsecured Credit Limits of Section 932.9 [PDF]
12/11/2001 2001-28: Unsecured Credit Limits for Federal Home Loan Banks: Final Rule [PDF]
11/29/2001 2001-27: Multiple Federal Home Loan Bank Memberships: Solicitation of Public Comments: Extension of Comment Period [PDF]
11/26/2001 2001-26: Approval of 2002 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets -- Financing Corporation [PDF]
10/24/2001 2001-25: Maintenance of Effort  Minimum Number of Annual Bank Board of Directors Meetings: Final Rule [PDF]
10/19/2001 2001-24: Capital Requirements for Federal Home Loan Banks: Final Rule [PDF]
9/28/2001 2001-23: Deborah F. Silberman Appreciation [PDF]
9/26/2001 2001-21: Multiple Federal Home Loan Bank Memberships: Solicitation of Comments [PDF]
9/26/2001 2001-20: Waiver of Compliance with the Minimum Liquidity Requirements of Section 932.8 and the Unsecured Credit Limits of Section 932.9 [PDF]
10/19/2001 2001-19: Amendment of Community Investment Cash Advance Programs Regulation: Final Rule [PDF]
9/26/2001 2001-18: Affordable Housing Program Amendments: Final Rule [PDF]
8/1/2001 2001-17: Capital Requirements for Federal Home Loan Banks: Proposed Rule [PDF]
8/1/2001 2001-16: Unsecured Credit Limits for Federal Home Loan Banks: Proposed Rule [PDF]
6/29/2001 2001-15: Amendment of Community Investment Cash Advance Programs Regulation: Proposed Rule [PDF]
6/29/2001 2001-14: Approval of the Application of The First National Bank of Fairfax for Readmission to Membership in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Pursuant to Section 925.30(b) [PDF]
6/29/2001 2001-13: Approval of Other Targeted Beneficiaries for Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis Community Investment Cash Advance Programs [PDF]
6/5/2001 2001-11: Waiver of Compliance with the Minimum Liquidity Requirements of Section 932.8 and the Unsecured Credit Limits of Section 932.9 [PDF]
5/2/2001 2001-08: Affordable Housing Program Amendments: Proposed Rule [PDF]
5/2/2001 2001-07: Waiver of Section 951.3 of the Affordable Housing Program Regulation to Increase Funding for the Federal Home Loan Banks Homeownership Set-Aside Programs in 2001 [PDF]
5/2/2001 2001-06: Maintenance of Effort  Minimum Number of Annual Bank Board of Directors Meetings: Interim Rule [PDF]
3/2/2001 2001-05: Capital Requirements for Federal Home Loan Banks: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [PDF]
2/28/2001 2001-04: Waiver of Compliance with the Unsecured Credit Limits of Sections 932.8 and 932.9 until July 2, 2001 [PDF]
2/28/2001 2001-03: Unsecured Credit Limits for Federal Home Loan Banks: Proposed Rule [PDF]
1/26/2001 2001-02: Waiver of a Provision of Section 950.7(a)(5) to Allow a Federal Home Loan Bank to Accept as Collateral for Advances, on a Proportional Basis, a Security Representing Equity Ownership in a Pool of Assets, Only a Portion of Which Qualify as Eligible Advances Collateral [PDF]
12/20/2000 2000-47: Issuance of an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Concerning Revisions to FHFB Capital Regulations [PDF]
12/20/2000 2000-46: Capital Requirements for Federal Home Loan Banks: Final Rule [PDF]
11/30/2000 2000-43: Waiver of the Regulatory Requirement that the Office of Finance Prepare the Combined Financial Report for the Year 2000 [PDF]
11/30/2000 2000-42: Rules of Practice and Procedure: Proposed Rule [PDF]
11/28/2000 2000-41: Approval of 2001 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets -- Financing Corporation [PDF]
9/19/2000 2000-38: Approval of Targeted Beneficiaries for Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Proposed Community Investment Cash Advance Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Program [PDF]
8/21/2000 2000-37: Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Request for a Waiver of the Affordable Housing Program Regulation to Increase Funding for its Homeownership Set-Aside Program [PDF]
6/29/2000 2000-34: Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Eligible Collateral, New Business Activities and Related Matters: Final Rule [PDF]
6/29/2000 2000-33: Federal Home Loan Bank Acquired Member Assets, Core Mission Activities, Investments and Advances: Final Rule [PDF]
  2000-33cor.pdf [PDF]
6/23/2000 2000-32: Certification Regarding Withdrawal From Membership [PDF]
6/23/2000 2000-31: Election of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors: Final Rule [PDF]
6/23/2000 2000-30: Amendment of Membership Regulation and Advances Regulation: Final Rule [PDF]
6/22/2000 2000-29: Rescission of Dividend Policy for the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
6/2/2000 2000-26: Rescission of Decision Memorandum Number 95-DM-09 (February 9, 1995) and Resolution Number 96-94 (December 12, 1996) [PDF]
6/2/2000 2000-25: Changes to the Financial Management Policy of the Federal Home Loan Bank System: Notice [PDF]
6/2/2000 2000-24: Office of Finance; Authority of Federal Home Loan Banks to Issue Consolidated Obligations: Final Rule [PDF]
5/22/2000 2000-23: Capital Requirements for Federal Home Loan Banks: Proposed Rule [PDF]
4/12/2000 2000-20: Federal Home Loan Bank Acquired Member Assets, Core Mission Activities, Investments and Advances: Proposed Rule [PDF]
3/22/2000 2000-16: Federal Home Loan Bank Advances, Eligible Collateral, New Business Activities and Related Matters: Proposed Rule [PDF]
3/22/2000 2000-15: Determination of Appropriate Present Value Factors Associated with Payments Made by the Federal Home Loan Banks to the Resolution Funding Corporation: Final Rule [PDF]
  2000-15cor.pdf [PDF]
3/22/2000 2000-14: Powers and Responsibilities of Federal Home Loan Bank Boards of Directors and Senior Management: Final Rule [PDF]
2/23/2000 2000-12: Election of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors: Proposed Rule [PDF]
2/23/2000 2000-10: Amendment of Membership Regulation and Advances Regulation: Interim Final Rule [PDF]
2/23/2000 2000-09: Devolution of Corporate Governance Responsibilities: Final Rule [PDF]
1/19/2000 2000-03: Determination of Appropriate Present Value Factors Associated with Payments Made by the Federal Home Loan Banks to the Resolution Funding Corporation: Proposed Rule [PDF]
1/19/2000 2000-02: Reorganization of FHFB Regulations: Final Rule [PDF]
12/20/1999 1999-68: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation: Final Rule [PDF]
12/14/1999 1999-66: Modification of Resolution Number 1999-50: Single Family Member Mortgage Asset Programs [PDF]
12/14/1999 1999-64: Powers and Responsibilities of Federal Home Loan Bank Boards of Directors and Senior Management: Proposed Rule [PDF]
12/14/1999 1999-63: Advance Participations; Sales of Whole Advances: Withdrawal of Proposed Rule (see 1999-41) [PDF]
12/14/1999 1999-62: Devolution of Corporate Governance Responsibilities: Interim Final Rule [PDF]
12/14/1999 1999-61A: Proposed Changes to the Financial Management Policy of the Federal Home Loan Bank System: Notice [PDF]
12/14/1999 1999-61: Reorganization of the Office of Finance; Authority to Issue Consolidated Obligations on Which the Federal Home Loan Banks are Jointly and Severally Liable: Proposed Rule [PDF]
12/9/1999 1999-59: Approval of 2000 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets -- Financing Corporation [PDF]
11/22/1999 1999-58: Waiver of Leverage Limitations of Resolution Number  [PDF]
11/17/1999 1999-57: Federal Home Loan Bank Financial Management and Mission Achievement: Regulation; Withdrawal of Proposed Rule; Notice of Cancellation of Public Hearing [PDF]
11/15/1999 1999-56: Withdrawal of Proposed Federal Home Loan Bank Financial Management and Mission Achievement Regulation; Cancellation of Public Hearing [PDF]
11/1/1999 1999-54: Availability of Unpublished Information: Final Rule [PDF]
10/4/1999 1999-51: Allocation of Joint and Several Liability on Consolidated Obligations Among the Federal Home Loan Bank: Final Rule [PDF]
  1999-50att.pdf [PDF]
10/4/1999 1999-50: Single Family Member Mortgage Asset Programs: Federal Home Loan Banks of Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Seattle (see 1999-66) [PDF]
9/1/1999 1999-45: Ratification of Revisions to Federal Home Loan Bank Financial Management and Mission Achievement: Proposed Rule (see 1999-40) [PDF]
  1999-45att.pdf [PDF]
8/30/1999 1999-44: Waiver of the Requirement to Use Moodys and Standard and Poors Credit Ratings in Section II.B.9, 10 and 11 of the Financial Management Policy to Allow the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston to Use Fitch IBCA, Inc. to Provide the Required Credit Ratings [PDF]
  1999-43not.pdf [PDF]
8/18/1999 1999-43: Modification of Approval for the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Community Asset Activities Program [PDF]
8/6/1999 1999-42: Availability of Unpublished Information: Interim Final Rule with Request for Comments [PDF]
8/6/1999 1999-41: Advance Participations; Sales of Whole Advances: Proposed Rule (see 1999-63) [PDF]
7/28/1999 1999-40: Federal Home Loan Bank Financial Management and Mission Achievement: Proposed Rule (see 1999-45) [PDF]
7/28/1999 1999-39: Reorganization of FHFB Regulations: Proposed Rule [PDF]
5/28/1999 1999-34: Procedures: Final Rule [PDF]
5/28/1999 1999-33: Temporary Changes to the Leverage Limit for Year 2000 Liquidity Purposes [PDF]
4/14/1999 1999-26: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation: Interim Final Rule [PDF]
4/13/1999 1999-25: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation: Final Rule [PDF]
3/19/1999 1999-22: Mandatory Excess Capital Stock Redemption; Prohibited Stock Dividends: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [PDF]
3/19/1999 1999-21: Prohibition on Payment of Fee in Lieu of Mandatory Excess Capital Stock Redemption: Interim Final Rule [PDF]
3/19/1999 1999-20: Collateral Eligible to Secure Federal Home Loan Bank Advances: Final Rule [PDF]
1/27/1999 1999-06: Expansion of the Affordable Multi-Family Participation Program of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta [PDF]
1/27/1999 1999-05: Allocation of Joint and Several Liability on Consolidated Obligations Among the Federal Home Loan Bank: Proposed Rule [PDF]
1/27/1999 1999-04: Waiver of Section 935.9(a) to Allow Federal Home Loan Bank to Accept Delinquent FHA/VA Loans as Eligible Collateral For Advances [PDF]
12/2/1998 1998-62: Proposed Rule: Collateral Eligible to Secure Federal Home Loan Bank Advances [PDF]
11/24/1998 1998-57: Approval of Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
11/4/1998 1998-54: Waiver of the Nine-Month Maturity for Certain Money Market Investments Listed in Section II.B.1.-5. of the FHFB Financial Management Policy [PDF]
10/28/1998 1998-53: Approval of Settlement of the Petition of a Federal Home Loan Bank [PDF]
10/28/1998 1998-52: Adoption of Procedures for Adjudications by the FHFB of Issues Other Than Review of Disputed Supervisory Determinations [PDF]
11/23/1998 1998-50: Rescission of the Interim Policy Guidelines for Federal Home Loan Bank Standby Letters of Credit [PDF]
10/28/1998 1998-49: Final Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Standby Letters of Credit [PDF]
10/28/1998 1998-48: Final Rule: Community Investment Cash Advance Programs [PDF]
10/28/1998 1998-47: Final Rule: Election of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors [PDF]
10/2/1998 1998-44: Waiver of Section 935.9(a)(1)(i) to allow a Federal Home Loan Bank to Accept Delinquent Federal Housing Administration/Veterans Administration Loans As Eligible Collateral For Advances [PDF]
9/23/1998 1998-41: Approval, Establishment and Operation of Federal Home Loan Bank of Mortgage Partnership FinanceTM Pilot Programs [PDF]
9/14/1998 1998-40: Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Waiver of the Three-Year Term Requirement for Ten Advisory Council Members [PDF]
8/6/1998 1998-39: Waiver of Affordable Housing Program Long-Term Retention and Monitoring Requirements [PDF]
7/10/1998 1998-35: Adoption of Revised Procedures for Review of Disputed Supervisory Determinations [PDF]
7/8/1998 1998-32: Final Rule: Authority to Approve Federal Home Loan Bank Bylaws [PDF]
6/24/1998 1998-30: Settlement of Supervisory Determination Pending Against a Federal Home Loan Bank [PDF]
6/24/1998 1998-29: Final Rule: Membership Approval [PDF]
6/24/1998 1998-28: Final Rule: Financial Disclosure by Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
6/24/1998 1998-27: Final Statement of Policy: Disclosures in the Combined Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
5/6/1998 1998-22: Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Waiver of the Three-Year Term Requirement for Five Advisory Council Members [PDF]
5/5/1998 1998-20: Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Waiver of the Three-Year Term Requirement for Seven Advisory Council Members [PDF]
5/5/1998 1998-19: Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Waiver of the Three-Year Term Requirement for Five Advisory Council Members [PDF]
5/22/1998 1998-18: Interim Final Rule; Correction: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation [PDF]
5/22/1998 1998-18: Interim Final Rule: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation [PDF]
4/22/1998 1998-17: Proposed Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Standby Letters of Credit [PDF]
4/22/1998 1998-16: Proposed Rule: Community Investment Cash Advance Programs [PDF]
4/14/1998 1998-15: Final Rule: Eligibility for Membership and Advances [PDF]
3/25/1998 1998-11: Proposed Rule: Election of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors [PDF]
3/25/1998 1998-10 Attachment: Notice of Public Hearing on Federal Home Loan Bank Investment Practices and an Approach for Limiting Certain Non-Housing-Related Investments [PDF]
3/13/1998 1998-09: Amendment to the Financial Management Policy of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
2/12/1998 1998-05: Proposed Rule: Membership Approval [PDF]
1/21/1998 1998-03: Final Rule: Regulations Governing Book-Entry Federal Home Loan Bank Securities [PDF]
2/2/1998 1998-02: Proposed Rule: Financial Disclosure by Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
1/21/1998 1998-01: Proposed Statement of Policy: Disclosures in the Combined Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
12/30/1997 1997-89: Waiver of Six-Month Waiting Period for Members Seeking Withdrawal From Membership in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines [PDF]
12/17/1997 1997-86: Technical Amendment to the Financial Management Policy to Permit Placement of Federally Insured Deposits With All Members [PDF]
12/17/1997 1997-85: Clarification to Member Subsidy Limits [PDF]
12/17/1997 1997-83: Final Rule: Membership Eligibility [PDF]
12/1/1997 1997-79: Approval of 1998 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets Financing Corporation [PDF]
12/1/1997 1997-78: Modification of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Homeownership Set-Aside Program [PDF]
12/3/1997 1997-77: Interim Final Rule With Request For Comments: Authority to Approve Federal Home Loan Bank Bylaws [PDF]
12/1/1997 1997-76: Rescission of Federal Home Loan Bank Board Resolution Concerning Authority to Approve Federal Home Loan Bank Bylaws [PDF]
11/20/1997 1997-74: Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Deposit in Community Development Financial Institution [PDF]
11/20/1997 1997-73: Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Deposit in Community Development Financial Institution [PDF]
11/20/1997 1997-72: Stay of Supervisory Determination [PDF]
11/12/1997 1997-70: Pilot Procedures and Pilot Proposal Initial Submission Guidelines [PDF]
11/12/1997 1997-69: Pilot Mortgage Program Proposed by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle [PDF]
9/15/1997 1997-61: Proposed Rule: Membership Eligibility [PDF]
9/25/1997 1997-57: Final Rule: Revision of Financing Corporation Operations Regulation [PDF]
8/28/1997 1997-56: Final Rule: Technical Amendment to the Community Support Requirement [PDF]
7/31/1997 1997-52: Purchase of Participation Interests in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Mortgage Partnership FinanceTM Program by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines [PDF]
7/31/1997 1997-51: Purchase of Participation Interests in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Mortgage Partnership FinanceTM Program by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis [PDF]
7/31/1997 1997-50: Purchase of Participation Interests in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Mortgage Partnership FinanceTM Program by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta [PDF]
7/31/1997 1997-49: Purchase of Participation Interests in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Mortgage Partnership Finance ProgramTM by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh [PDF]
6/25/1997 1997-44: Final Rule: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation [PDF]
5/5/1997 1997-39: Final Rule: Community Support Requirement [PDF]
5/16/1997 1997-38: Final Rule: Technical Amendment to Definition of Deposits in Banks or Trust Companies [PDF]
4/2/1997 1997-35: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Mission Achievement by the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
4/1/1997 1997-34: Modification of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Home$tart Plus Set-Aside Program [PDF]
3/31/1997 1997-33: Modification of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Homeownership Set-Aside Program [PDF]
3/27/1997 1997-30: Modification of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
3/20/1997 1997-29: Waiver of Regulatory Requirements [PDF]
3/5/1997 1997-21: Statement of Policy: Financial Management Policy for the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
3/19/1997 1997-18: Final Rule: Advances to Nonmembers [PDF]
2/10/1997 1997-16: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle and the Washington State Housing Finance Commission [PDF]
2/6/1997 1997-13: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
2/6/1997 1997-12: Interim Final Rule With Request For Comments: Restrictions on Advances to Non-Qualified Thrift Lenders [PDF]
2/14/1997 1997-05: Suspension of Ban on Investments in Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks [PDF]
2/14/1997 1997-03: Interim Final Rule With Request For Comments: Technical Amendment to Definition of Deposits in Banks or Trust Companies [PDF]
12/23/1996 1996-114: Directive to Office of Finance Regarding Orange County Complaint [PDF]
12/23/1996 1996-113: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines and the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
12/23/1996 1996-111: Mortgage Partnership FinanceTM Program for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago [PDF]
12/20/1996 1996-97: Final Rule: Selection and Compensation of Federal Home Loan Bank Employees [PDF]
12/18/1996 1996-96: Revision and Adoption of Procedures for Review of Disputed Supervisory Determinations [PDF]
  1996-96att.pdf [PDF]
12/6/1996 1996-90: Amendment to the Financial Management Policy of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
12/5/1996 1996-88: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas and the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation [PDF]
12/3/1996 1996-85: Approval of 1997 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
12/2/1996 1996-82: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
11/7/1996 1996-81: Final Rule: Procedure for Consideration of Regulatory Waivers [PDF]
11/7/1996 1996-79: Interim Final Rule With Request for Comments: Regulations Governing Book-Entry Federal Home Loan Bank Securities [PDF]
10/30/1996 1996-76: Modification of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
10/30/1996 1996-75: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
10/24/1996 1996-74: Extension of Procedures for Review of Disputed Supervisory Determinations [PDF]
10/11/1996 1996-73: Affordable Multifamily Participation Program for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta [PDF]
10/9/1996 1996-72: Proposed Rule: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation [PDF]
10/9/1996 1996-71: Final Rule: Amendment of Budgets Regulation [PDF]
10/9/1996 1996-69: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York [PDF]
10/18/1996 1996-65: Resolution of Enforcement Action [PDF]
10/8/1996 1996-62: Proposed Rule: Advances to Nonmembers [PDF]
10/8/1996 1996-61: Final Rule: Terms and Conditions For Advances [PDF]
7/30/1996 1996-60: Procedures for Review of Disputed Supervisory Determinations [PDF]
7/25/1996 1996-57: Rescission of Directors Fees and Allowances Policy [PDF]
7/25/1996 1996-56: Final Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Directors Compensation and Expenses [PDF]
8/6/1996 1996-55: Proposed Rule: Selection and Compensation of Federal Home Loan Bank Employees; Selection of the Director of the Office of Finance and Compensation of the Employees of the Office of Finance [PDF]
7/25/1996 1996-53: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Amendment of Budgets Regulation [PDF]
7/3/1996 1996-49: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis and the Indiana Housing Finance Authority [PDF]
7/3/1996 1996-48: Final Rule: Modification of Definition of Deposits in Banks or Trust Companies [PDF]
7/3/1996 1996-47: Proposed Rule: Terms and Conditions for Advances [PDF]
  1996-45att.pdf [PDF]
7/3/1996 1996-45: Approval of the Revised Financial Management Policy for the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
7/3/1996 1996-44: Community Mortgage Asset Activities Pilot Program for the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York [PDF]
8/2/1996 1996-43: Final Rule: Membership Approval [PDF]
6/5/1996 1996-40: Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Request For Approval to Purchase Manufactured Housing Securities [PDF]
6/5/1996 1996-36: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle and the Montana Board of Housing [PDF]
6/5/1996 1996-35: Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Proposal to Make Advances to the Minneapolis Community Development Agency [PDF]
5/24/1996 1996-34: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines and the South Dakota Housing Development Authority [PDF]
4/30/1996 1996-30: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas and the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [PDF]
4/19/1996 1996-29: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority [PDF]
4/10/1996 1996-27: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Federal Home Loan Bank Directors Compensation and Expenses [PDF]
3/29/1996 1996-26: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
3/7/1996 1996-21: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
3/7/1996 1996-18: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta and the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
2/6/1996 1996-15: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
1/23/1996 1996-14: Financial Management Policy Exception Granted to a Federal Home Loan Bank [PDF]
1/23/1996 1996-13: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
1/23/1996 1996-12: Amendment to the Financing Corporation 1996 Non-Administrative Expense Budget [PDF]
12/8/1995 1995-74: Final Rule: Repeal of the Charitable Contribution Limitation Regulation [PDF]
12/8/1995 1995-73: Exception to the Financial Management Policy [PDF]
12/8/1995 1995-57: Approval of 1996 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
11/8/1995 1995-40: Final Rule: Pricing of Services [PDF]
11/8/1995 1995-39: Amendment of 1995 Non-Administrative Budget  Financing Corporation [PDF]
11/8/1995 1995-38: Approval of Set-Aside by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago Under its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
10/25/1995 1995-37: Proposed Rule: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation; Affordable Housing Program Application Requirements [PDF]
10/25/1995 1995-36: Amendment of the Federal Home Loan Bank System Directors Fees and Allowances Policy [PDF]
10/5/1995 1995-34: Proposed Rule: Membership Approval [PDF]
9/26/1995 1995-30: Authorization of Global Debt Program [PDF]
9/14/1995 1995-26: Final Rule: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program Regulation [PDF]
9/12/1995 1995-25: Affordable Housing Program Issue  Walton House Use During the 1996 Olympic Games [PDF]
9/14/1995 1995-23: Final Rule: Revision of Board of Directors Reporting Requirements [PDF]
9/12/1995 1995-22: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines and the Minnesota Chippewa Tribal Housing Corporation [PDF]
9/12/1995 1995-21: Proposed Improvements to Procedures for Decision-Making by the Board of Directors of the Office of Finance [PDF]
8/9/1995 1995-20: Affordable Housing Program Enforcement Action (redacted) [PDF]
8/9/1995 1995-19: Affordable Housing Program Enforcement Action (redacted) [PDF]
8/9/1995 1995-17: Final Rule: Procedures for Federal Home Loan Bank Access to Nonpublic Information of Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies [PDF]
8/9/1995 1995-16: Transfer of Advances [PDF]
8/9/1995 1995-15: Rescission of Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Special Investment Authority [PDF]
8/9/1995 1995-14: Interpretation of Financial Management Policy [PDF]
8/9/1995 1995-13: Removal of Members From the List of Eligible Counterparties for Federal Home Loan Bank Resale Agreements [PDF]
7/27/1995 1995-11: Action Plan in Response to the U.S. General Accounting Office Report: Improving the Federal Home Loan Bank Systems Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
7/27/1995 1995-10: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta and the Virginia Housing Development Authority [PDF]
6/29/1995 1995-07: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines and the Minneapolis Community Development Agency [PDF]
7/13/1995 1995-06: Final Rule: Repeal of the Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs and Housing Opportunity Allowance Program Regulations [PDF]
6/29/1995 1995-02: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka and the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority [PDF]
5/31/1995 1995-DM-35: Amendment of 1995 Administrative Budget Financing Corporation [PDF]
5/19/1995 1995-DM-34: Procedures For Bringing Unresolved Examination Issues to the Board and For Seeking Reconsideration of Examination Findings [PDF]
4/11/1995 1995-DM-26: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and the New York State Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
3/15/1995 1995-DM-16: Removal of Restriction on Access by Doral Federal Savings Bank to Long-Term Advances Under the Community Support Program [PDF]
3/8/1995 1995-DM-14: Approval of the 1995 Annual Strategic Plan for Examination of the Federal Home Loan Banks, Office of Finance and Financing Corporation [PDF]
2/9/1995 1995-DM-09: Transfer of Responsibility for the External Audit of the Federal Home Loan Bank System to the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
12/21/1994 1994-DM-59: Approval of Amendments to the 1994 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
12/21/1994 1994-DM-58: Approval of 1995 Administrative and Non-Administrative Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
11/10/1994 1994-DM-48: Financial Management Policy Interpretation [PDF]
10/6/1994 1994-DM-36: Federal Home Loan Bank Directors Compensation -- Out-of-District Meetings of the Government Affairs and Capital Study Oversight and Coordinating Committees [PDF]
8/11/1994 1994-DM-29: Federal Home Loan Bank Directors Compensation  Out-of-District Meetings of the Government Affairs and Capital Study Oversight and Coordinating Committees [PDF]
8/9/1994 1994-DM-28: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati and the Kentucky Housing Corporation [PDF]
  1994-DM-27_attachment.pdf [PDF]
7/22/1994 1994-DM-27: Blanket Approval Criteria for Modifications to Affordable Housing Program Subsidies [PDF]
7/14/1994 1994-DM-26: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston and the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority [PDF]
6/22/1994 1994-DM-22: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle and the Utah Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
6/1/1994 1994-DM-17: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines and the Bank of North Dakota [PDF]
5/3/1994 1994-DM-13: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston and the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority [PDF]
3/2/1994 1994-DM-04: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines and the Missouri Housing Development Commission [PDF]
12/30/1993 1993-144: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle and the Guam Housing Corporation [PDF]
12/30/1993 1993-142: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
12/21/1993 1993-141: Approval of Amendment to the 1993 Non-Administrative Expenditure Budget  Financing Corporation [PDF]
12/15/1993 1993-133: Approval of the Revised Financial Management Policy for the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
  1993-133_attachment.pdf [PDF]
12/15/1993 1993-118: Approval of 1994 Administrative and Non-Administrative Expenditure Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
12/15/1993 1993-110: Approval of 1994 Operating Measures and Minimum 1994 Performance Targets for the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
12/15/1993 1993-97: Final Rule: Advances to Capital Deficient Members and Other Matters [PDF]
11/17/1993 1993-92: Delegation of Authority to Chairperson [PDF]
11/17/1993 1993-90: Approval of the 1994 Annual Strategic Plan for Examinations of the Federal Home Loan Banks and Office of Finance [PDF]
11/17/1993 1993-89: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco and the California Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
  1993-88_attachment.pdf [PDF]
11/17/1993 1993-88: Approval of the Federal Home Loan Bank System Membership Application Guidelines (see 1993-N-07 and 1993-N-08) [PDF]
10/27/1993 1993-85: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston and the Vermont Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
10/27/1993 1993-84: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and the New York City Housing Development Corporation [PDF]
10/27/1993 1993-83: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency [PDF]
10/27/1993 1993-82: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and the State of New York Mortgage Agency [PDF]
10/27/1993 1993-81: Final Rule: Pricing of Services [PDF]
10/27/1993 1993-80: Notice of Methodology and Request For Comments: Pricing of Services [PDF]
10/27/1993 1993-79: Proposed Rule: Amendment of Affordable Housing Program and Community Support Requirements Regulations [PDF]
9/22/1993 1993-75: Final Rule; Information Collection Approval: Members of the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
9/22/1993 1993-74: Authority Permitting Each Federal Home Loan Bank to Access the Regulatory Leverage Capacity of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
9/22/1993 1993-73: Proposed Rule: Modification of Definition of Deposits in Banks or Trust Companies [PDF]
8/25/1993 1993-69: Calculation of Area Median Income for Purposes of the Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
8/25/1993 1993-68: Adoption of System 2000: A Strategic Framework for the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
8/25/1993 1993-66: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Community Support Requirements for Insurance Company and Credit Union Members of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
8/25/1993 1993-65: Proposed Rule: Advances to Capital Deficient Members and Other Matters [PDF]
7/28/1993 1993-63: Interim Policy Guidelines to Govern Federal Home Loan Bank Letter of Credit Operations [PDF]
7/28/1993 1993-61: Eligibility of Previously Approved Nonmember Mortgagees to Borrow From the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
7/28/1993 1993-60: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati and the Tennessee Housing Development Agency [PDF]
4/13/1993 1993-54: Guidelines For Awarding Affordable Housing Program Funds to Loan Consortia And Loan Funds [PDF]
6/23/1993 1993-53: Increase in the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Authority to Hold Certain Mortgage-Backed Securities Purchased as Part of its Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
6/7/1993 1993-47: Final Rule: Modification of Federal Home Loan Bank Director Eligibility Requirements [PDF]
5/26/1993 1993-46: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston and the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency [PDF]
4/26/1993 1993-44: Interim Final Rule With Request for Comments: Advances to Nonmember Mortgagees [PDF]
4/26/1993 1993-42: Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (HCDA) Mandated Study of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
4/26/1993 1993-41: Provision of an Affordable Housing Program Direct Subsidy to a Nonmember by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh [PDF]
4/2/1993 1993-22: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka and the Colorado State Housing Finance Authority [PDF]
3/26/1993 1993-19: Non-Enforcement of Affordable Housing Program Recapture Requirements Under Special Circumstances Affecting the 20 Percent Maximum Subsidy Rule [PDF]
3/26/1993 1993-18: Elimination of the Sunset on Federal Home Loan Bank Mortgage-Backed Securities Investment Authority [PDF]
3/26/1993 1993-17: Interim Final Rule: Affordable Housing Program Maximum Subsidy Limitations [PDF]
2/23/1993 1993-12: Federal Home Loan Bank System Directors Fees and Allowances Policy [PDF]
1/27/1993 1993-06: Assumption of Debt by the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco Without Prior Finance Board Authorization [PDF]
1/27/1993 1993-05: Issuance of Debt by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta Without Prior Finance Board Authorization [PDF]
1/27/1993 1993-04: Issuance of Debt by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Without Prior Finance Board Authorization [PDF]
12/31/1992 1992-783: 1993 Administrative and Non-Administrative Expenses Budgets -- Financing Corporation [PDF]
12/21/1992 1992-751: Contingent Establishment of Special Asset Accounts [PDF]
12/21/1992 1992-750: Final Rule: Leverage Ratio on Consolidated Federal Home Loan Bank Debt [PDF]
12/21/1992 1992-749: Interim Final Rule: Eligibility of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors [PDF]
12/15/1992 1992-744.1: Approval of Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Request to Modify Resolution Number 1991-73 Regarding Reinvestment of Proceeds of Certain Repaid Advances [PDF]
11/9/1992 1992-740: Creation of Advisory Commission [PDF]
10/16/1992 1992-734: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston and the Rhode Island Housing Mortgage Finance Corporation [PDF]
9/29/1992 1992-729: Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco REFCorp Deficiency Repayment [PDF]
9/23/1992 1992-727: Proposed Rule: Advances [PDF]
8/27/1992 1992-679: Approval of Implementation of Internal Approach to Data Processing [PDF]
8/26/1992 1992-671: Approval to Retain a Consultant to Analyze the Organizational and Capital Structures of the Federal Home Loan Bank System (rescinding Resolution Number 1992-568) [PDF]
7/17/1992 1992-533.3: Interim Final Rule: Advances [PDF]
7/17/1992 1992-533.2: Revisions to the Policy Guidelines for Federal Home Loan Bank Standby Letters of Credit to Authorize Their Use in Support of Community Investment Activities [PDF]
7/17/1992 1992-533.1: Community Investment Program Policy Statement [PDF]
5/27/1992 1992-385: Revision of Resolution Number 1991-633  System Efficiencies Task Force [PDF]
5/1/1992 1992-305: Proposed Rule: Leverage Ratio on Consolidated Federal Home Loan Bank Debt [PDF]
4/30/1992 1992-303: Extension of Comment Period: Proposed Rule  Examinations of the Federal Home Loan Banks (see 1992-185.2) [PDF]
4/28/1992 1992-280: Support for H.R. 4973  The Federal Home Loan Bank System Modernization Act [PDF]
4/22/1992 1992-277.1: Policy to Govern the Availability of Federal Home Loan Bank Advances to Capital Deficient Members [PDF]
4/9/1992 1992-256: Advance Program Between the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas and the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority [PDF]
3/25/1992 1992-205.1: System Efficiencies Task Force Phase II Operations (See Resolution Number 1991-312.2 (August 21, 1991)) [PDF]
3/24/1992 1992-185.2: Proposed Rule: Examinations of the Federal Home Loan Banks (see 1992-303) [PDF]
3/24/1992 1992-185.1: Final Rule: Operations of the Office of Finance [PDF]
2/13/1992 1992-68: Final Rule: Dividends Paid on Federal Home Loan Bank Stock [PDF]
2/13/1992 1992-64: Final Rule: Delegation of Authority to Issue Federal Home Loan Bank Consolidated Obligations [PDF]
2/13/1992 1992-62: Indemnification Policy For the Office of Finance [PDF]
1/16/1992 1992-18: Interim Final Rule With Request For Comments: Operations of the Office of Finance [PDF]
1/2/1992 1992-01: 1992 Administrative and Non-Administrative Expenditure Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
7/22/1992 1992-568.1: Guidelines for Federal Home Loan Bank Audit Charters [PDF]
1/22/1991 1991-38: 1991 Administrative and Non-Administrative Expenses Budgets  Financing Corporation [PDF]
2/15/1991 1991-57: Approval of Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicagos Indemnification Bylaw Provision [PDF]
2/20/1991 1991-59: Final Rule: Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
4/16/1991 1991-115.5: Membership Application Policy [PDF]
5/28/1991 1991-166: Recommendation That Oversight Board Adopt Calendar Year Interpretation of REFCorp Interest Shortfall Calculation [PDF]
6/4/1991 1991-184: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Community Support Requirements for Members of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
6/13/1991 1991-193: Amendments to 1991 Non-Administrative Expenses Budget -- Financing Corporation [PDF]
6/13/1991 1991-194: Discontinuance of the Consolidated Securities Fund [PDF]
  1991-214_attachment.pdf [PDF]
6/25/1991 1991-214: Financial Management Policy for the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
8/14/1991 1991-294: Indemnification Policy for the Office of Finance [PDF]
8/21/1991 1991-312.2: Establishment of a Task Force on Cost Containment [PDF]
9/24/1991 1991-465: Correspondent Banking Services Offered by the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
9/24/1991 1991-479.1: Reorganization of the Fiscal Agent Function Within the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
10/24/1991 1991-521: Acceptance of Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) Settlement Offer [PDF]
10/31/1991 1991-559: Final Rule  Information Collection Approval: Eligibility and Financial Disclosure Requirements for Directors of the Federal Home Loan Banks [PDF]
11/14/1991 1991-562: Final Rule: Community Support Requirements for Members of the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
11/22/1991 1991-582: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Dividends Paid on Federal Home Loan Bank Stock [PDF]
12/12/1991 1991-629: Amendment to the 1991 Non-Administrative Expenses Budget -- Financing Corporation [PDF]
11/26/1991 1990-129.5: Interim Final Rule: Procedures for Federal Home Loan Bank Access to Nonpublic Information of Federal Financial Regulatory Agencies [PDF]
10/4/1991 1990-105: Final Rule: Technical Amendments [PDF]
6/13/1991 1990-72: Authorization for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas to Purchase Mortgage-Backed Securities in Excess of the Funds Management Policy Investment Limitations [PDF]
3/15/1991 1990-38: Dividend Policy for the Federal Home Loan Bank System [PDF]
2/26/1991 1990-29: Interim Final Rule with Request for Comments: Affordable Housing Program [PDF]
2/7/1991 1990-08: 1990 Administrative and Non-Administrative Expense Budgets --Financing Corporation [PDF]
1/5/1991 1990-01: Interim Final Rule with Request for Comments: Election of Federal Home Loan Banks Directors; Eligibility Requirements [PDF]
8/28/1991 1989-01: Final Rule: Establishment of Chapter IX and Redesignation of Regulations From Chapter V (FHFB 89-1) [PDF]
9/13/1991 1989-08: Amendment to the Financing Corporation Charter (FHFB 89-8) [PDF]