Supervisory and regulatory activities to ensure the safety and soundness of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and the Federal Home Loan Bank System to promote a stable and accessible U.S. housing finance system.
Advisory Bulletins
Publications containing important information, directives, or recommendations related to various aspects of housing finance.
Credit Scores
FHFA’s review of changing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's credit score requirements.
Fair Lending, Fair Housing, and Consumer Protection Oversight
Risk management principles under which the U.S. housing finance system operates and is a requirement of law.
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility Requirements (PMIERS)
Requirements for the purchase of single-family mortgage loans where the outstanding principal balance of the mortgage exceeds 80% of the value of the underlying property.
Language Access
Requirements for the Enterprises to support access to credit for mortgage-ready borrowers with limited English proficiency (LEP).
Pilot Transparency
Activities to ensure the expansion of affordable, sustainable, and healthy housing options for consumers follow a safe and sound structure.
Representation and Warranty Framework
Information about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s Representation and Warranty Framework.
Alternative Mortgage Servicing Compensation Initiative
Consideration of alternatives for future mortgage servicing structures and servicing compensation for single-family loans.
Deemed-Issuance Ratio
Deemed-issuance ratio for each calendar year based on the ratio of TBA-eligible securities.
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Affordable Housing Allocations
Requirements for the purchase of single-family mortgage loans where the outstanding principal balance of the mortgage exceeds 80% of the value of the underlying property.
FHFA Statements on Credit Risk Transfer
Programs to reduce taxpayer exposure to risks arising from credit guarantees extended by the Enterprises through their normal courses of business.
Mortgage Servicing
Development and implementation of programs and initiatives to address challenges in the servicing market.
Principal Reduction Modification
Information about targeted Principal Reduction Modification program FHFA has directed the Enterprises to implement.
Requirements for Enterprise Seller/Services
Requirements for entities that sell and service mortgages on behalf of the Enterprises.
Credit Risk Transfer
Information about Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's credit risk transfer programs.
Executive Compensation
Executive compensation for Federal Home Loan Bank directors and Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's senior executives.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Multifamily Businesses
Requirements for the Enterprises to continue using credit risk transfers for their multifamily business, resulting in the private market sharing in potential credit losses.
Guarantee Fees History
The guarantee fee (g-fee), covers projected credit losses from borrower defaults over the life of the loans, administrative costs, and a return on capital.
Non-Performing (NPL) and Re-Performing Loan (RPL) Sales
Sales reducing the number of delinquent loans held in the Enterprises' inventories to transfer credit and interest rate risk to the private sector.
Principal Reduction Modification Heatmap
Principal Reduction Modification Program Top 10 States by Total Potentially Eligible Loans.
Single Security Initiative and Common Securitization Platform
Development of a securitization infrastructure for the Enterprises for mortgage loans backed by single-family properties.