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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room is a searchable archive of the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s:

  • final opinions and orders;
  • statements of policy and interpretations not published in the Federal Register;
  • policy and administrative staff manuals that affect a member of the public; and
  • frequently requested ​records.

Advisory Bulletins

Advisory Bulletins are staff documents through which FHFA provides guidance to the regulated entities regarding particular supervisory issues. Although an Advisory Bulletin does not have the force of a regulation or an order, it does reflect the position of FHFA on the particular issue and is followed by supervisory staff. Advisory Bulletins issued prior to 2004 may include confidential supervisory or financial information and generally are not available to the public. Advisory Bulletins are numbered in sequence by year with the prefix “AB”, e.g., 2004-AB-##.  

Click here to view Advisory Bulletins

Final Opinions and Orders

Suspended Counterparty Program Orders

FHFA established the Suspended Counterparty Program to help address the risk to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks (“the regulated entities”) presented by individuals and entities with a history of fraud or other financial misconduct.  Under this program, FHFA may issue orders suspending an individual or entity from doing business with the regulated entities.

FHFA maintains a list at this page​​ of each person that is currently suspended under the Suspended Counterparty Program.

If you have questions about the Suspended Counterparty Program generally, or about a specific action listed, please direct your inquiry to the following address:

Policy and Administrative Staff Manuals

Frequently Requested Records


  • ​Annual Reports - The FOIA requires each fed​eral agency to submit an Annual Report to the Attorney General each year. These reports contain detailed statistics on the numbers of requests received and processed by each agency, the time taken to respond, and the outcome of each request, as well as many other vital statistics regarding the administration of the FOIA at federal departments and agencies. ​Click here to view FOIA Annual Reports.
  • Chief FOIA Officer Reports - Attorney General Holder’s FOIA Guidelines require the Chief FOIA Officer for each federal agency to submit a report to the Attorney General containing a detailed description of the steps taken by the agency to improve FOIA compliance and transparency. These reports contain details of FOIA administration at each agency, as well as the steps taken to implement Attorney General Holder's FOIA Guidelines during each reporting year.​ Click here to view Chief FOIA Officer Reports.
  • Quarterly Reports - The Office of Information Policy requires all agencies to provide quarterly reporting for four key FOIA statistics to the Department of Justice. This report is attended to identify trends and assess agencies' progress throughout the course of the fiscal year.​ Click here to view Quarterly Reports.​​