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Opinions are written statements advising on interpretations of law, regulation, or policy.

​Date ​Description ​Format


​2005-GC-01: Putable Advances and Replacement Funding



​2004-GC-01: Federal Home Loan Bank Securities Registration and Disclosure



​2002-GC-01: When is a Gathering of the Members of the Board of Directors of the FHFB Considered a "Meeting" for Purposes of the Government in the Sunshine Act?



​2000-GC-02: Issuance of Consolidated Obligations Under Section 11(a) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​2000-GC-01: Transfer of Capital Stock



​1999-GC-05: Effect of New Statutory Requirement for Three-Year Terms of Office for Federal Home Loan Bank Directors



​1999-GC-04: Proposal to Establish an Economic Development Program



​1999-GC-03: Federal Home Loan Bank Authority to Create and Sell Tranches



​1999-GC-02: Federal Home Loan Bank Authority to Provide Consulting Services to Members Under Sections 11and 12 of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1999-GC-01: Collateral For Advances Under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1998-GC-14: Standby Letters of Credit



​1998-GC-13: Effect of the Statutory Purpose Limitation in Section 11(h) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act on Federal Home Loan Bank Authority to Invest in a Small Business Investment Company (SBIC)



​1998-GC-12: Meaning of the Term “Insurance Company” Under Section 4(a) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1998-GC-10: Issues Concerning Federal Home Loan Bank Mortgage Partnership Finance Programs



​1998-GC-11: Conditional Membership Approvals Under the FHFB Membership Regulation for De Novo Insured Depository Institutions



​1998-GC-09: Implementation of a Federal Home Loan Bank’s Federal Housing Administration Rent-to-Own Purchase Program



​1998-GC-07: Proposed Affordable Housing Program Subsidized Cooperative Share Loan Program



​1998-GC-08: Monitoring Requirements for Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program Set-Aside Homeownership Programs



​1998-GC-06: Whether Limited Obligation Mortgage Revenue Bonds Are Direct Obligations For Purposes of Section II.B.11. of the Financial Management Policy



​1998-GC-05: Incorporation of Affordable Housing Program Regulation Recapture Provisions Into Retention/Recapture Agreements for Certain Owner-Occupied Units



​1998-GC-04: Whether a Federal Home Loan Bank May Accept 100 Percent Participation Interests Owned by a Member’s Second-Tier REIT Subsidiary in As Collateral for Advances Under Section 10(a) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1998-GC-03: Application of Median Income Standard by a Federal Home Loan Bank



​1998-GC-02: Use of Community Investment Program (CIP) Advances by Members to Finance CIP-Eligible Loans by Third Parties



​1998-GC-01: Status of State and Local Mortgage Revenue Bonds and of SBA Certificates Under the Financial Management Policy



​1996-GC-10: Authority of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago to Establish a Pilot Mortgage Partnership Finance Program



​1996-GC-09: Political Activities of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors



​1996-GC-08: Use of Community Investment Program (CIP) Advances to Purchase Housing Bonds and Mortgage Backed Securities



​1996-GC-07: Authority of the Federal Home Loan Banks to Act as Counterparties in Derivative Contracts



​1996-GC-06: Interpretation of the “Readily Ascertainable Value” Requirement For Eligible Collateral Under Section 10(a)(4) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1996-GC-05: Federal Home Loan Bank Membership for a Member That Changes Its Charter and Then Relocates Its Home Office to, and Merges With a Member of, a Different Federal Home Loan Bank District



​1996-GC-04: Compensation of Appointed, Acting or Former Federal Home Loan Bank Chairpersons



​1996-GC-03: Eligibility of Municipal Bond Securities as Collateral for Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1996-GC-02: Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995



​1996-GC-01: Pledge of Collateral by a Nonmember to Support an Advance by a Federal Home Loan Bank to a Member



​1995-GC-04: Transfer of Membership and Sale of Advances Between Federal Home Loan Banks



​1995-GC-03: Eligibility of Indian Housing Authorities to Receive Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1995-GC-02: Meaning of the Term “Securities” in Section 16(a) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1995-GC-01: Federal Home Loan Bank Authority Under the Financial Management Policy to Offer Caps, Collars and Floors to Members



​1994-GC-04: Acceptance of Mutual Fund Share as Collateral for Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1994-GC-03: Interpretation of Section 10(i) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Concerning the Community Investment Program



​1994-GC-02: Federal Advisory Committee Act



​1994-GC-01: Effect of an Acquisition on the Qualified Thrift Lender (QTL) Status of Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1993-GC-04: Commercial Lending Authority of Federally Chartered Savings Associations



​1993-GC-05: Transfer of Stock From a Federal Home Loan Bank Member to a Nonmember



​1993-GC-03: Interpretation of Section 10(b) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1993-GC-02: Application of the Non-Qualified Thrift Lender Provisions in the Federal Home Loan Bank Act to Insurance Company Members



​1993-GC-01: Application of the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act to Federal Home Loan Bank Staff





​1992-GC-10: Effect of In-Substance Defeasance on Calculation of the Federal Home Loan Banks Compliance with the Leverage Ratio and Negative Pledge Requirements



​1992-GC-08: Authority for Federal Home Loan Banks to Pledge Collateral Pursuant to Interest Rate Swap



​1992-GC-09: Applicability of OMB Circular A-133 to the Affordable Housing Program and Community Investment Program



​1992-GC-07: Use of Affordable Housing Program Funds for Federal Home Loan Bank Cancellation and Prepayment Fees



​1992-GC-06: Federal Funds as Deposits in Banks or Trust Companies



​1992-GC-05: Applicability of Executive Order 11478 to the Federal Home Loan Bank System



​1992-GC-04: Risk-Based Pricing Program for Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1992-GC-03: Unilateral Retirement of Federal Home Loan Bank Stock



​1992-GC-02: Federal Home Loan Banks Providing Correspondent Services to Non-Members



​1992-GC-01: Potential Affordable Housing Program and Community Investment Program Conflicts of Interest



​1991-GC-24: The Negative Asset Pledge Requirement to Support the Consolidated Bonds



​1991-GC-23: Use of Home Equity Loans to Meet the 10% Federal Home Loan Bank Membership Eligibility Requirement in Section 4(a)(2)(A) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1991-GC-22: Delegation of Authority to the Federal Home Loan Banks to Approve Membership Applications



​1991-GC-25: Federal Home Loan Bank Membership Requirements



​1991-GC-19: Authority of State Housing Agencies to Receive Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1991-GC-20: Effect of Federal Home Loan Bank Advance Participations on the Limit on Advances to Non-Qualified Thrift Lender Members and the Stock Subscription Requirements for Members



​1991-GC-18: Treatment of Federal Home Loan Bank Advance Participation Transactions Under the Proposed Master Participation Agreement



​1991-GC-17: Pricing Limitations on Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1991-GC-16: Cash Collateral For Letters of Credit



​1991-GC-13: Availability of Offset to Federal Home Loan Bank on Cancellation of Departing Member’s Capital Stock



​1991-GC-14: Authority to Waive the Six-Month Waiting Period Under Section 6(e) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act Before Withdrawal From Federal Home Loan Bank Membership



​1991-GC-12: Federal Home Loan Bank Letter of Credit Enhancements of Tax-Exempt Bonds Under Section 149 of the Internal Revenue Code



​1991-GC-15: Proper Treatment of Federal Home Loan Bank (Bank) Capital Stock Held by a Receiver of a Bank Member



​1991-GC-10: Application of 20 Percent Maximum Subsidy Rule to Approved 1990 Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Projects



​1991-GC-11: Proposed Change in REFCorp Expense Variable for Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Calculation Formula



​1991-GC-09: Interpretation of “Prior Year” in the Shortfall Formula for REFCorp Interest Payments



​1991-GC-08: Legal Issues Raised By Draft Community Support Regulations



​1991-GC-06: Federal Home Loan Banks Standby Letters of Credit Authority



​1991-GC-07: Secondary Mortgage Market Opinions



​1991-GC-05: Minimum Stock Requirement for Election of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors



​1991-GC-04: Use of Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs) to Meet the 10% Federal Home Loan Bank Membership Eligibility Requirement in Section 4(a)(2)(A) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1991-GC-03: Authority to Set Salaries of Federal Home Loan Bank Officials



​1991-GC-02: Proposed Changes to Monthly Interest Rate Survey (MIRS)



​1991-GC-01: Treatment of Outstanding Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Advances Upon Termination of Membership



​1990-GC-01: Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Funding Issues