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Regulatory Interpretations

Regulatory Interpretations are Agency guidance concerning the application of a statute or regulation to a particular supervisory issue; not legally binding but entitled to judicial deference.   

Date ​Description ​Format

March 27, 2024

​2024-RI-01: Classification of Cooperativas for Purposes of Determining Eligibility for Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) Membership​


​February 3, 2022

​2022-RI-01: Timing of Enterprise Filing of Capital Report under the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework Regulation, 12 CFR part 1240 (Capital Rule)​


​October 4, 2021

​2021-RI-01: Eligibility of Mortgage Loan Parti​cipations as Collateral for Federal Home Loan Bank Advances


​June 23, 2015

​2015-RI-01: Transfer of Mortgage Servicing Rights under the Acquired Member Asset Regulations


​May 17, 2012

​2012-RI-02: Membership - Determination of Principal Place of Business


​February 8, 2012

​2012-RI-01: Calculation of Insurance Company Tangible Capital


​November 9, 2010

​2010-RI-05: Investments in Unsecured Debt Issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac


​August 23, 2010

​2010-RI-04: Bridge Depository Institution as Member of a Federal Home Loan Bank


​August 23, 2010

​2010-RI-03: Acceptance of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guarantee as Collateral for Advances


​April 9, 2010

​2001-RI-06: Use of residential mortgage loans held by an applicant through a repurchase agreement toward satisfaction of the "10 percent of assets in residential mortgage loans" requirement for Federal Home Loan Bank Membership; rescinded by Order, dated March 9, 2010.


​February 3, 2010

​2010-RI-02: Effect of Foreign Government Guarantees on Unsecured Credit Exposure


​January 12, 2010

​2010-RI-01: Effect of SFAS 166/167 on Enterprise Statutory Minimum Capital Requirement


​December 14, 2009

​2009-RI-03: Redemption of Stock by a Federal Home Loan Bank that has been designated "Undercapitalized" under the Prompt Corrective Action Provisions of the Federal Housing Enterprises Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 and the Federal Housing Finance Agency Regulations


​September 11, 2009

​2009-RI-02: Resident Services Coordinator Expenses in AHP Projects


​June 4, 2009

​2009-RI-01: Eligibility of Federally Guaranteed Student Loans as Collateral



​​Date Description Format


​2007-RI-02: Federal Home Loan Bank Nomination and Election Process Using Electronic Communications



​2007-RI-01: Electronic Distribution of the Combined Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports of the Federal Home Loan Bank System



​2005-RI-05: Ability To Sever the Credit Enhancement Obligation From the Related Mortgage Loan Under the Acquired Member Asset Regulations



​2005-RI-04: “Special Needs” Scoring Criterion Under the Affordable Housing Program (AHP): Large Families and Farm Workers



​2005-RI-03: "Promotion of Empowerment" Scoring Criterion Under the Affordable Housing Program (AHP): Youth and Health Care Programs or Services



​2005-RI-02: Retention Period for Owner-Occupied Projects Assisted Under the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) and USDA Rural Development Section 502 Program (Section 502 Program)



​2005-RI-01: Application of 12 C.F.R. § 966.8(c) Prohibiting Direct Placement of Consolidated Obligations With a Federal Home Loan Bank



​2004-RI-01: Approval of Changes to an Internal Risk Model



​2003-RI-02: The Qualification of Securities Issued or Guaranteed by State or Municipal Governments or Their Political Subdivisions (Municipal Securities) as “Other Real Estate-Related Collateral” Under Section 10(a)(3)(D) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​2003-RI-01: Requirements for Subsidy Recapture and Retention Agreements and Reasonable Collection Efforts of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Regulation



​2002-RI-07: Classification of Fannie Mae Multifamily Assured Schedule Payment Trust Certificates (MAST Bonds)



​2002-RI-06: Application of the Interim Capital Requirements Under 12 C.F.R. § 956.4



​2002-RI-05: Obligations of State Housing Finance Agencies and Unsecured Credit Limitations



​2002-RI-04: Accounting Issues: Electronic Distribution of the Combined Annual and Quarterly Financial Reports of the Federal Home Loan Bank System



​2002-RI-02: Whether the Definition of “Acquired Member Assets” Includes Loans For Which the Servicing Rights Have Been Sold to a Participating Financial Institution Other Than the One Responsible for the Credit Enhancement



​2002-RI-03: Use of Mortgage Pool Insurance as Part of a Credit Enhancement for Acquired Member Assets



​2002-RI-01: Sponsors With Leasehold Interests in Affordable Housing Program Rental Project Buildings and Underlying Land



​2001-RI-07: Office of Finance Indemnification



​2001-RI-06: Use of Residential Mortgage Loans Held by an Applicant Through a Repurchase Agreement Toward Satisfaction of the “10 Percent of Assets in Residential Mortgage Loans” Requirement For Federal Home Loan Bank Membership



​2001-RI-05: Prospective Application of Monitoring Requirements and Use of Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Funds As “First-In” Money Under the AHP Regulation (Part 951)



​2001-RI-04: Status as Core Mission Activities of FHA/VA Loans Acquired Under a Commitment Initiated On or Before April 12, 2000, if the Commitment is Extended Beyond Its One Year Term



​2001-RI-03: Accounting Issues: Effects of SFAS Number 133 on Dividends and Affordable Housing Program Contributions



​2001-RI-02: Determining Non-Mortgage Assets Ration Using An Average Monthly Basis



​2001-RI-01: Authority of the Office of Finance to Reopen Consolidated Obligations



​2000-RI-26: Office of Finance Audit Committee and the Combined Financial Statements



​2000-RI-25: Acquired Member Assets Held for a Valid Business Purpose



​2000-RI-24: Accounting Issues: Audit Committee Disclosures



​2000-RI-12: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston



​2000-RI-13: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York



​2000-RI-14: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh



​2000-RI-15: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta



​2000-RI-16: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati



​2000-RI-17: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis



​2000-RI-18: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago



​2000-RI-19: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines



​2000-RI-20: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas



​2000-RI-21: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka



​2000-RI-22: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco



​2000-RI-23: Election of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle



​2000-RI-11: Eligibility of a Privately Insured Credit Union for Federal Home Loan Bank Membership



​2000-RI-10: Applicability of Financial Management Policy to Equity Option Transaction



​2000-RI-09: Accounting Issues: Hedge Accounting – Shortcut Method



​2000-RI-08: Accounting Issues: Refinancing Corporation Income Statement Presentation



​2000-RI-07: Accounting Issues: Valid Economic Hedges and Securities Carried at Fair Value



​2000-RI-06: Accounting Issues: Independent Auditor’s Review of Quarterly Financial Information



​2000-RI-05: Eligibility of Mortgage Loan Participation Interests as Collateral for Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​2000-RI-04: Treatment of Mobile Home Park Projects Under the Affordable Housing Program Regulation



​2000-RI-03: Refinancing Corporation Financial Statement Presentation



​2000-RI-02: Bank Small Business Grant Programs Under the Community Investment Cash Advance Regulation



​2000-RI-01: Acceptance of Mutual Funds that Enter Into Short-Term, Liquidity Driven Repurchase Agreements as Collateral



​1999-RI-22: Applicability of Newly Enacted Statutory Annual Director Compensation Caps in 1999



​1999-RI-21: Equity Investment in Brownfields Site Redevelopment Project



​1999-RI-20: Application of Newly Enacted Statutory Five-Year Waiting Period to Institutions Seeking to Reapply For Federal Home Loan Bank Membership



​1999-RI-19: Multifamily Mortgage Loan Purchase



​1999-RI-18: Determining Non-Mortgage Investment Ratio Using an Average Monthly Basis



​1999-RI-17: Standby Bond Purchase Agreements With State Housing Finance Agencies



​1999-RI-16: Treatment of Retention Periods for Affordable Housing Program Lease-Purchase Projects



​1999-RI-15: Targeted Mortgage Purchase Program



​1999-RI-14: Questions on the Revised Affordable Housing Program Regulation



​1999-RI-13: Redesignation of Principal Place of Business



​1999-RI-12: Eligibility of Guaranteed Student Loans to be Accepted as Government Securities Collateral for Federal Home Loan Bank Advances



​1999-RI-11: Subsidy Calculations for Affordable Housing Program Subsidized Advances



​1999-RI-10: Sequential Participations



​1999-RI-09: Proposed Federal Home Loan Bank Capital Stock Redemption Fee Option



​1999-RI-08: Federal Home Loan Bank Authority to Accept Eligible Collateral From a Member’s Real Estate Investment Trust Subsidiary



​1999-RI-07: Federal Home Loan Bank Authority to Issue Standby Letters of Credit in Conjunction With Tax-Exempt Bonds or Notes, Including School Construction Bonds



​1999-RI-06: Use of a Rider In Connection With Affordable Housing Program Projects and Nonliability For Repayment of Affordable Housing Program Subsidies



​1999-RI-05: Affordable Housing Program Questions and Answers Part 2



​1999-RI-02: Investment in Federal Housing Administration Small Project Loans Under the Financial Management Policy



​1999-RI-03: Demonstrating the Need For Affordable Housing Program Subsidy for Owner-Occupied Projects With Sponsor-Provided Permanent Financing



​1999-RI-04: Homeownership Set-Aside Programs Under the Affordable Housing Program Regulation







​1998-RI-06: Membership Lock-Out Period Under Section 6(h) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act



​1998-RI-05: Automatic Membership Under Section 933.4(d)(1) of FHFB Membership Regulation



​1998-RI-04: Scoring Criteria of the Affordable Housing Program Regulation



​1998-RI-09: Questions on the Revised Affordable Housing Program Regulation



​1998-RI-07: Status of Small Business Loan-Backed Securities Under the Financial Management Policy



​1998-RI-08: Status of Section 108 Participation Certificate Under the Financial Management Policy



​1998-RI-02: Leverage Limit Under the Financial Management Policy



​1998-RI-01: Whether Mortgage Assets Held By a Member’s Real Estate Investment Trust Subsidiary Are Eligible Collateral for Advances Under Section 10(a) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act
