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Risk-Based Capital

Publication Details
Proposed Rulemaking
Document Number
Federal Register Publish Date
Comment Open Date
Comment End Date
Comment Status
Rulemaking Details

Risk-Based Capital

Contact Information

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: ​Robert Pomeranz, Senior Accounting Specialist, Office of Risk and Model Development, telephone (202) 414–3796; or Jamie Schwing, Associate General Counsel, telephone (202) 414–3787 (not toll-free numbers), Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street, NW., Fourth Floor, Washington, DC 20552. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. Additionally, the TDD 1-(800) number referenced in Rulemaking documents attached to this page is obsolete and the 7-1-1 number should be used.


SUMMARY: On September 12, 2002, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) entitled "Risk-Based Capital" in the Federal Register (67 FR 57760). That document related to the correcting and technical amendments to the risk-based capital rule for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) and the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae).

In response to the NPRM, OFHEO received requests to provide additional time to review the proposed amendments to revise the treatment of Financial Accounting Standard 133 in the risk-based capital rule (identified in the preamble as numbers 11 and 12 in the list of 12 proposed amendments). At the request of some commenters, OFHEO is providing an additional period for public comment on this revision until October 29, 2002. In addition, OFHEO invites comment during this period on the most appropriate effective date for the implementation of these proposed amendments. OFHEO may move to final action on the remaining technical elements of the proposal as to which no substantive objections were received.

DATES: The additional comment period will close on October 29, 2002.​