Enterprise Liquidity Requirements
Enterprise Liquidity Requirements
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jamie Newell, Associate Director, Division of Resolutions, (202) 649-3530, Jamie.Newell@fhfa.gov; Ming-Yuen Meyer-Fong, Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, (202) 649-3078, Ming-Yuen.Meyer-Fong@fhfa.gov; or Mark Laponsky, Deputy General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, (202) 649-3054, Mark.Laponsky@fhfa.gov. These are not toll-free numbers. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. Additionally, the TDD 1-(800) number referenced in Rulemaking documents attached to this page is obsolete and the 7-1-1 number should be used.
SUMMARY: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) requests comment on a proposed rule that would implement four liquidity and funding requirements for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises). The 2008 financial crisis demonstrated substantial weaknesses in the liquidity positions of the Enterprises. Liquidity and funding challenges were a significant contributing factor to establishment of the conservatorships in September 2008. The proposed rule builds on the improvements made to the U.S. banking supervision framework's regulation of institutions' liquidity requirements, and on experience since the 2008 financial crisis including with the more recent 2020 COVID-19-related financial market stress. FHFA believes that a robust Enterprise liquidity framework will improve market confidence in the Enterprises' ability to fulfill their mission and provide countercyclical support to housing finance markets in times of stress, while further minimizing the likelihood that they will need further taxpayer support. FHFA envisions that an appropriate framework would incent the Enterprises to build their liquidity portfolios in good times, so that it is available to be deployed as necessary in times of stress.
The proposed rule establishes four quantitative liquidity requirements that address the short, intermediate and long-term liquidity needs of the Enterprises. The short-term 30-day liquidity requirement is designed to promote the short-term resilience of the liquidity risk profile of the Enterprises, thereby improving the Enterprise's ability to absorb shocks arising from financial market and economic stresses. In addition, the proposed rule includes an intermediate-term 365-day liquidity requirement to ensure that the Enterprises manage their liquidity needs beyond the short-term, and to provide additional incentives to fund their activities in a more stable fashion. Finally, the proposed rule includes two longer-term liquidity and funding requirements that encourage the issuance of an appropriate mix of longer-term debt to reduce the Enterprises' rollover risk. FHFA expects that this more appropriate mix of longer-term debt will also reduce the risk that the Enterprises would have to sell less-liquid assets in distressed markets.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 9, 2021.
Public Comments![people-icon](/themes/custom/fhfa/assets/uswds/images/usa-icons/people.svg)
Below are a compilation of public comments made on this publication.
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Email: vinoli_goonetilleke@freddiemac.com
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Email: akossachev@nafcu.org
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