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Notice of Revisions to the FHFA Office of Inspector General's Systems of Records

Notice Details
Privacy Act System of Records Notice
Document Number
Federal Register Publish Date
Comment Status

Notice of Revisions to the FHFA Office of Inspector General's Systems of Records

Contact Information

​FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Leonard DePasquale, Chief Counsel, Office of Inspector General, Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20219, or at (202) 730–2830. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. Additionally, the TDD 1-(800) number referenced in Rulemaking documents attached to this page is obsolete and the 7-1-1 number should be used. A Communications Assistant will dial FHFA–OIG’s number and relay the conversation between a standard (voice) telephone user and text telephone (TTY).


SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A–108 System of Records Notice template, FHFA–OIG gives notice of amendments and additions to the routine uses for FHFA–OIG’s Privacy Act systems of records (SORs) and technical changes thereto, updates to system name, system location, categories of individuals covered by the system, categories of records in the system, purpose(s), retrievability, safeguards, retention and disposal, system manager(s) and address, notification procedures, record source categories, exemptions claimed for one or more of FHFA–OIG’s existing systems of record, and the creation of a new Privacy Act SOR for the Office of Counsel. The six existing SORs are being re-published in their entirety to conform their formats to the Circular A–108 SORN template. The amendments and additions to the existing systems and the new system are described in detail below.

DATES: Comments must be received on or before April 8, 2021. The amended and additional routine uses and the technical revisions to FHFA–OIG’s existing SORs, and the new SOR, will become effective without further notice on April 19, 2021, unless comments received on or before that date result in revisions to this notice.

ADDRESSES: Submit comments to FHFA only once, identified by ‘‘FHFA–OIG SORN,’’ using any one of the following methods:

• Email: Comments may be sent by email to Leonard DePasquale, FHFA–OIG Chief Counsel. Please include ‘‘Comments/FHFA–OIG SORN’’ in the subject line of the message. Comments will be made available for inspection upon written request.

• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments. If you submit your comment to the Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also send it by email to FHFA at to ensure timely receipt by the agency. Please include ‘‘Comments/FHFA–OIG SORN’’ in the subject line of the message.

• U.S. Mail, United Parcel Service, Federal Express, or Other Mail Service: Leonard DePasquale, Chief Counsel, Office of Inspector General, Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20219.

• Courier/Hand Delivered Letters or Packages: For security reasons, courier/hand delivered letters or packages cannot be accepted.

See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION for additional information on posting of comments.