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FHFA Unified Agenda

The Unified Agenda provides uniform reporting of data on regulatory and deregulatory activities under development throughout the Federal Government, covering approximately 60 departments, agencies, and commissions. Each edition of the Unified Agenda includes regulatory agendas from all Federal entities that currently have regulations under development or review. Fall editions of the Unified Agenda include The Regulatory Plan, which presents agency statements of regulatory priorities and additional information about the most significant regulatory activities planned for the coming year. 

The activities included in individual agency agendas are primarily those currently planned to have an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM), a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), or a Final Rule issued within the next 12 months. However, to keep users better informed of opportunities for participation in the rulemaking process, an agency may list in the "Long-Term Actions" section of its agenda those rules it expects will have the next regulatory action more than 12 months after publication of the agenda. When an agency subsequently schedules a regulatory action on one of these rules within a 12-month timeframe, the item will reappear in the appropriate section of the agency's next agenda. Agencies may also report "Completed Actions, which are rulemakings that are being withdrawn or ending their lifecycle with a regulatory action that completes the rulemaking."​

FHFA Unified Agenda and Regulatory Plan

Semiannual Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions from 

  • Select "Federal Housing Finance Agency" in the “Select Agency” box and click “Submit.”

  • For background on the Unified Agenda, click on “About the Unified Agenda” link located above the “Select Agency” box.