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Affordable Housing and Community investment

Community Support Program and CDFI Membership

The FHLBank Act requires FHFA to adopt a regulation establishing standards of community investment or service for members of the FHLBanks to maintain access to long-term FHLBank advances.  The Community Support Program (CSP) regulation is codified as 12 CFR part 1290.  For purposes of the CSP, the term “long-term advances" means advances with a term to maturity greater than one year.  A member's CSP performance can also affect its ability to continue participation in the FHLBanks' Affordable Housing Program, and other Community Investment Cash Advance programs.   

The CSP regulation establishes standards for the member's performance under the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) and the member's record of lending to first-time homebuyers. With certain limited exceptions, each FHLBank member must meet the CRA standards and first-time homebuyer support standards set forth in the CSP regulation.  The CSP regulation sets forth the process that FHFA follows in reviewing, evaluating and communicating each member's community support performance.  Also, the CSP regulation requires FHLBank members to submit a Community Support Statement (CSS) to FHFA every two years, in odd-numbered years. 

The CSS serves to document a FHLBank member's CRA performance and support of first-time homebuyers.  A FHLBank member subject to CSP review must provide to FHFA: 1) its CRA rating, if it is subject to the CRA; and 2) information about its support for first-time homebuyers. 

Community Support Program Information

Community Support Program Regulation

Community Support Statement

FHLBanks Community Support Program Representatives


Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Membership in the FHLBank System

CDFIs are specially designated financial institutions that serve markets underserved by traditional financial institutions. As of December 31, 2023, 71 non-depository CDFIs were FHLBank members. FHLBank CDFI members can be found here.

Questions about the CDFI Membership? Submit here.


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Affordable Housing and Community Investment page


Page Last Updated: June 23​, 2023​​