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Federal Home Loan Bank Director Elections

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Proposed Rulemaking
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Federal Home Loan Bank Director Elections

Contact Information

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John P. Kennedy, General Counsel, or 202-408-2983; or Thomas P. Jennings, Senior Attorney Advisor, Office of General Counsel, or 202-408-2553. You can send regular mail to the Federal Housing Finance Board, 1625 Eye Street NW., Washington, DC 20006.


SUMMARY: The Federal Housing Finance Board (Finance Board) is proposing to amend its rules to assist each Federal Home Loan Bank (Bank) in having a board of directors whose members possess the range of skills and experience best suited to administer the affairs of the Bank. The proposed rule is intended to enhance the corporate governance of each Bank by more closely aligning the experience and skills of individual directors with the expertise the Bank has identified as appropriate to enhance the board of directors in providing overall board management of the Bank.

DATES: The Finance Board will accept written comments on the proposed rule on or before June 2, 2006.

Comments: Submit comments by any of the following methods:

  • E-mail:

  • Fax: 202-408-2580.

  • Mail/Hand Delivery: Federal Housing Finance Board, 1625 Eye Street NW, Washington DC 20006, ATTENTION: Public Comments.

  • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments. If you submit your comment to the Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also send it by e-mail to the Finance Board at to ensure timely receipt by the agency. Include the following information in the subject line of your submission: Federal Housing Finance Board. Proposed Rule: Federal Home Loan Bank Director Elections. RIN Number 3069-AB31. Docket Number 2006-04.

We will post all public comments we receive without change, including any personal information you provide, such as your name and address, on the Finance Board Web site at

Public Comments people-icon

Below are a compilation of public comments made on this publication.

17 items
Date Sort ascending First Name Last Name Organization Comment
Russell Carothers The Citizens Bank of Winfield View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Mike C. Daly Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Mark Pinsky Opportunity Finance Network View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Joseph Pigg American Bankers Association (ABA) View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Chesley N Brooks, Jr. Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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David A. Crowe National Association of Home Builders View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Jerry D. Cavanaugh Community Bankers Association of Illinois View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Ike Jones America’s Community Bankers View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Dean Schultz Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Ann M. Grochala Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Fred R. Becker, Jr. National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU) View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Jeffrey Bloch Senior Assistant General Counsel, Credit Union National Association View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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David W. Lindstrom Federal Home Loan Bank of New York View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Peter Knight Federal Home Loan of Pittsburgh Dana Yealy. View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Andrew J. Jetter Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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Marvin N. Schoenhals Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Gerard M. Thomchick, Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh View CommentView Comment
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James P. Giraldin First Federal Bank of California View CommentView Comment Email: N/A
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