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Enterprise Duty To Serve Underserved Markets Amendments Proposed Rule

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Proposed Rulemaking
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Enterprise Duty To Serve Underserved Markets Amendments Proposed Rule

Contact Information

​FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ted Wartell, Associate Director, Office of Housing and Community Investment, 202-649-3157,; Marcea Barringer, Supervisory Policy Analyst, Office of Housing and Community Investment, 202-649-3275,; or Dinah Knight, Assistant General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, (202) 748-7801,, Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219. These are not toll-free numbers. For TTY/TRS users with hearing and speech disabilities, dial 711 and ask to be connected to any of the contact numbers above.


SUMMARY: FHFA is proposing to amend its Enterprise Duty to Serve Underserved Markets regulation to add a definition of “colonia census tract,” which would serve as a census tract-based proxy for a “colonia,” and to amend the definition of “high-needs rural region” in the regulation by substituting “colonia census tract” for “colonia.” The proposed rule would also revise the definition of “rural area” in the regulation to include all colonia census tracts regardless of their location. These changes would make activities by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) (collectively, the Enterprises) in all colonia census tracts eligible for Duty to Serve credit. The intent of the changes is to facilitate the Enterprises’ ability to operationalize their Duty to Serve activities and thereby help increase liquidity in these underserved communities.

DATES: Interested persons may submit written comments on the proposed rule on or before December 5, 2022.

Public Comments people-icon

Below are a compilation of public comments made on this publication.

10 items
Date Sort ascending First Name Last Name Organization Comment
Spencer Bell National Coalition for Homeless Veterans The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) supports the NPRM…View Comment
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Jose Quinonez Partners for Rural Transformation The Partners for Rural Transformation (PRT) thank you for the opportun…View Comment
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John Burley Fannie Mae Please see attached letter of Michael T. Hernandez on behalf of Fannie…View Comment
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Wendy Hanson United Way of Southern Cameron County Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed amendment to…View Comment
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Leslie Strauss Housing Assistance Council The Housing Assistance Council's comments are in the uploaded file.View Comment Email:
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Kirsten Johnson-Obey NeighborWorks America Please see attached.View Comment Email:
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Daniel Elkin come dream. come build. Please see our attached comment letter in support of the proposed chan…View Comment
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Simone Beaty Freddie Mac See memo of noted comments received via a meeting with FHFA on Novembe…View Comment
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K ESH N/A The agency purports that the current definitions within the regulation…View Comment
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concerned tax payer N/A this is a job for HUD not GSEs. its time to stop mandating more risk,…View Comment
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