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Freedom of Information Act Implementation

Publication Details
Interim Final Rule
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Federal Register Publish Date
Comment Open Date
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Rulemaking Details

Freedom of Information Act Implementation

Contact Information

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David A. Lee, Chief FOIA Officer, telephone (202) 414-3804 (not a toll free number), Federal Housing Finance Agency, Fourth Floor, 1700 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 20552. ​​


SUMMARY: The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is issuing this interim final regulation with a request for comments on changes to its existing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regulation. The changes to the existing FOIA regulation provide the procedures and guidelines under which FHFA and FHFA Office of Inspector General (FHFA–OIG) will implement FOIA. The interim final regulation describes the policies and procedures for public disclosure of information required to be disclosed under FOIA, and procedures to protect from disclosure business confidential and trade secret information, as appropriate.

DATES: The interim final regulation is effective May 23, 2011. FHFA will accept written comments on the interim final regulation on or before July 22, 2011. For additional information, see SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.


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Below are a compilation of public comments made on this publication.

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