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​​​​​On June 4, 2020 FHFA hosted a public webinar on the re-proposed capital rule for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises). Principal Deputy Director A​dolfo Marzol, OFAMS' Naa Awaa Tagoe, and the Capital Rule team provided insight into the rationale of the re-proposal and highlight key enhancements.

FHFA’s re-proposed capital rule for the Enterprises, released on May 20, 2020 is designed to strengthen the Enterprises so they can serve the mortgage market and help low- and moderate- income households access credit during good times and bad.

Link to Rule

Webinar Slides

Webinar Transcript

Fact Sheet 

Enterprise Capital Rule CRT Overview

Agenda: Public Listening Session on CRT - 9/10/2020

Agenda: Public Listening Session on Affordable Housing Access - 9/14/2020

Transcript: Public Listening Session on CRT - 9/10/2020

Transcript: Public Listening Session on Affordable Housing Access - 9/14/2020