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FHFA Public Listening Session: Enterprise Housing Goals ANPR

​On March 25, 2021, FHFA hosted a public listening session to facilitate public engagement in response to the Agency’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on the Enterprise housing goals. FHFA plans to issue a proposed rule in 2021 that will establish housing goal benchmarks for 2022-2024.

Listening Session Agenda (3/25/2021)

Listening Session Transcript (3/25/2021)

Presentation by Urban Institute (3/25/2021)

Written Remarks by Mark Weiss (3/25/2021)

Written Remarks by L. A. “Tony’ Kovach (3/25/2021)

News Release: FHFA Announces 2021 Affordable Housing Goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac(12/16/2020)

2021 Enterprise Housing Goals Final Rule (12/21/2020)

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