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FHFA Acting Director Sandra L. Thompson's Statement on Special Purpose Credit Programs as a Remedy for Disparities in Access to Homeownership


I applaud Secretary Marcia Fudge for issuing guidance clarifying that under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Special Purpose Credit Programs (SPCPs) are compliant with and generally do not violate the Fair Housing Act. SPCPs allow lenders to meet special social needs and benefit economically disadvantaged groups. These programs can help responsibly reduce disparities in homeownership and wealth that still exist today, in part as a result of discriminatory practices like redlining.

I stand together with Secretary Fudge to urge financial institutions, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks, to consider SPCPs as a powerful tool to advance equitable outcomes and ensure fairness in the housing finance system. In addition to contemplating SPCPs of their own, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks can impact the availability of these programs by providing liquidity and support for existing and future SPCPs, within the umbrella of safety and soundness. It is critical for the entire housing finance industry, including the secondary mortgage market, to ensure that all Americans have a pathway to sustainable housing opportunities that allow them to build wealth and pass on opportunity to their children.

I commend Secretary Fudge for her leadership in addressing this issue. Our agencies look forward to building upon our commitment to collaborate and share information and resources to advance housing equity and fulfillment of our shared mission.


Adam Russell​