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News Release
FHFA Releases Scorecard for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Common Securitization Solutions


​​Washington, D.C. – The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today released the 2021 Scorecard for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (the Enterprises), and Common Securitization Solutions. The 2021 Scorecard aligns the 2019 Strategic Plan with the Enterprises’ tactical priorities and operations, serving as an essential tool to hold the Enterprises accountable. 

“The 2021 Scorecard will ensure that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Common Securitization Solutions properly serve borrowers and renters, protect taxpayers, and support the secondary mortgage market,” said Director Mark Calabria.

The three objectives of the 2021 Scorecard are to ensure that the Enterprises continue to: 

  1. Focus on their core mission responsibilities to foster competitive, liquid, efficient, and resilient (CLEAR) national housing finance markets that support sustainable homeownership and affordable rental housing;
  2. Operate in a safe and sound manner appropriate for entities in conservatorship; and 
  3. Prepare for their eventual exits from the conservatorships. 

Resolution planning requirements are new to the Scorecard in 2021. The Scorecard requires each Enterprise to begin developing a plan to resolve its business in the event the Enterprise were to be placed in receivership, also known as a “living will.” These plans must demonstrate how the Enterprises would preserve their core businesses with neither  disruption to housing and finance markets nor utilizing extraordinary support from the Treasury Department or taxpayers. The Enterprises are also expected to implement capital management and capital planning capabilities that transition from the existing Conservatorship Capital Framework to the Enterprise Capital Rule​ requirements. ​

Links to 2019 Strategic Plan and 2021 Scorecard

Media: Adam Russell​