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News Release
FHFA Issues Request for Input to Improve Access to Credit for Qualified Mortgage Borrowers with Limited English Proficiency


Washington, DC – The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today issued a Request for Input on issues facing qualified mortgage borrowers with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) throughout the mortgage life cycle process, including lending and servicing.

FHFA's 2017 Scorecard for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Common Securitization Solutions, requires Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) to identify major obstacles for LEP borrowers in accessing mortgage credit, to analyze potential solutions, and to develop a multi-year plan appropriate for the Enterprises to support improved access.

FHFA is requesting input on issues faced by qualified LEP borrowers to learn more about the procedures and tools that loan originators, servicers, and other parties in the mortgage lending process presently employ to assist LEP borrowers, to identify existing requirements, including laws and regulations that guide practices for interacting with LEP borrowers, and to better understand the challenges in effectively servicing this population. 

FHFA seeks to better understand the experiences of these borrowers and the mortgage industry participants who serve them in order to advance FHFA's statutory mandate, which includes supporting access to credit across different market segments to provide homeownership opportunities to creditworthy borrowers.

Input should be submitted electronically or via mail by July 10, 2017 to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, Office of Housing and Regulatory Policy, 400 7th Street, S.W., 9th floor, Washington, D.C., 20219. 

Request for Input: Improving Language Access in Mortgage Lending and Servicing



Media: ​Stefanie Johnson (202) 649​-3030​ / ​Corinne Russell (202) 649-3032
Consumers: Consumer Communications or (202) 649-3811