Washington, D.C. — Today, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced Andre D. Galeano as the Deputy Director of the Division of Enterprise Regulation (DER). Louis "Lou" Scalza will serve as the Acting Deputy Director of the Division of Federal Home Loan Bank Regulation (DBR). Both will oversee and direct all examination activities, including the development of examination findings and preparation of annual examination reports for their respective regulated entities.
"Andre has decades of housing finance supervisory experience and effectively led the Division of Bank Regulation throughout the COVID-19 crisis, ensuring the Federal Home Loan Bank System fulfilled its mission in a safe and sound manner. His seasoned leadership will help the Division of Enterprise Regulation continue to ensure the safety and soundness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac," said Acting Director Sandra L. Thompson. "Like Andre, Lou is a time-tested financial regulator. Whether during his time at FDIC or FHFA, Lou has an impressive track record and will serve our Agency well as head of our Division of Bank Regulation."
Andre has worked at FHFA and one of its predecessor agencies for nearly 20 years, after having originally trained as a bank examiner at FDIC. During his tenure at FHFA, Andre has served as the Agency's Associate Director for Credit Risk and as Examiner-in-Charge of Fannie Mae, before becoming an Associate Director for Examinations and then Deputy Director of DBR in 2017.
Lou has more than 30 years of financial institution examination experience. He also began his examination career at FDIC, before moving to the Federal Housing Finance Board (a predecessor to FHFA) in 2004. He first served as Examiner-in-Charge at the FHLBank of Indianapolis, then led the development of examination and supervisory guidance in DBR's Policy and Program Development Unit. Lou established and managed FHFA's Office of Quality Assurance prior to becoming Associate Director for Examinations in DBR in 2012.