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News Release
FHFA Announces 2023 Roundtable Discussions and Wrap-Up Listening Session for its FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future Initiative

immediate release

​​​​​​​​​​Washington, D.C. – The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today announced upcoming roundtable discussions and a three-day wrap-up listening session as part of its comprehensive review of the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) System.​

“I am pleased with the continued interest in this initiative and the diverse perspectives represented in the public input,” said FHFA Director Sandra L. Thompson. “These events provide opportunities for FHFA to expand its reach across the industry—and the country—to stakeholders and potential stakeholders from whom we have not previously heard.”

Launched last summer, FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future is a key initiative for FHFA to ensure that the FHLBanks continue to be well-positioned to serve the needs of homeowners, renters, and their communities today and in the years ahead. The FHLBanks provide a source of liquidity for their members, a function they have performed for the past 90 years, while also fulfilling their mission to support affordable housing and community development.

​2023 Roundtables

​​​​​Date/Location ​Topics
​February 27: Athens, OH Affordable housing and community development in rural and underserved communities
March 1: Detroit, MI Member products and services – part 1
March 3: Washington, DC Member products and services – part 2
March 6: Wilmington, NC ​Climate resiliency: preparedness and response, and risk management considerations
March 8: San Juan, PR Access to the FHLBank System
March 13: Boston, MA Corporate governance and system structure
March 17: Guam and Northern Mariana Islands (Virtual)
(March 16 in the continental US)
Access to the FHLBank System
March 17: Hawaii and American Samoa (Virtual) Access to the FHLBank System
March 20: Alaska (Virtual) ​​Access to the FHLBank System

​FHFA is interested in hearing responses to questions raised at the listening session and roundtable discussions convened under this initiative, as well as any other topics of importance to stakeholders. Please visit the website for more information on topics covered at each event.

Wrap-Up Listening Session

FHFA will close the public outreach phase of its comprehensive review of the FHLBanks with a three-day listening session on March 22-24. Speaking slots for the March 22 session will be in-person only at FHFA’s headquarters in Washington, DC. Speaking slots for the March 23 and 24 sessions will be virtual only. Registration will open soon for interested participants to request a speaking slot or to attend in listening mode. Visit our website for more information: FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future.

FHFA has also reopened its submission process for written input. FHFA will accept submissions through March 17 via FHFA’s website or mailed to: Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20019. Input submissions received through the end of last year are now available to the public (select “FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future” from the drop-down menu).


About the Federal Home Loan Bank System

The Federal Home Loan Bank System is a government sponsored enterprise that provides a stable and reliable source of liquidity for its members and provides support for affordable housing and community development for the communities they serve. It was established in 1932 by the Federal Home Loan Bank Act and today consists of 11 regional FHLBanks and the System’s fiscal agent, the Office of Finance. Each FHLBank is a separate, government-chartered, member-owned corporation.


The Federal Housing Finance Agency regulates Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the 11 Federal Home Loan Banks. These government-sponsored enterprises provide more than $8.1 trillion in funding for the U.S. mortgage markets and financial institutions. Additional information is available at, on Twitter @FHFAYouTubeFacebook, and LinkedIn.


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