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Re-Proposal to Enhance Eligibility Requirements for Enterprise Single-Family Seller/Servicers



As part of their risk management processes, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) each have established an approval process for seller/servicers that includes both ascertaining that seller/servicers meet minimum financial eligibility requirements and monitoring compliance of approved seller/servicers.

A seller/servicer must meet or exceed minimum financial requirements in order to be an approved Enterprise seller/servicer. The minimum financial requirements are not, by themselves, measures of adequacy. Accordingly, the Enterprises may institute requirements beyond the minimum financial requirements for certain seller/servicers due to situations including, but not limited to, overall complexity or other evidence of heightened risk embedded in the business model or financial condition. 

The eligibility requirements are not regulatory requirements, and a seller/servicer that does not wish to do business with the Enterprises is not required to meet them. The Enterprises do not regulate seller/servicers but, as a matter of prudent risk management, they consider possible risk exposure from contractual relationships with seller/servicers and assess, monitor, and take appropriate actions to address the risks to which they are exposed in their business relationships.

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