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House Price Index Focus Pieces

FHFA’s quarterly HPI Releases typically include a “Highlights” article that analyzes house price trends or specific methodological issues related to the HPI’s construction. The downloadable articles are listed below with the corresponding HPI release.


Title ​Reporting Period ​Corresponding HPI Release (and Pages)
Source Update for County Recorder Data and Its Impact on FHFA HPI® ​4QM10 2023 4QM10 2023 HPI Report ​Pages 9 - 21
Transitioning to the New OMB 2018 Metropolitan Area Definitions ​​4Q 2018 ​4Q 2018 HPI Report ​Pages 23-35​ 
Manufactured House Price Indexes ​2Q 2018 ​2Q 2018 HPI Report Pages 23 - 27
Release of New Indexes for Three-Digit ZIP Codes​ 4Q 2014 ​​4Q 2014
HPI Report
​​Page 20
Comparing House Price Indexes based on OMB 2009 and 2013 Metropolitan Area Definitio​ns ​3Q 2013 3Q 2013 HPI Report ​Pages 13 – 16
Transitioning to the New OMB 2013 Metropolitan Area Definitions ​ ​2Q 2013 2Q 2013 HPI Report Pages 13 – 26
Expanding the Number of Purchase-Only Indexes from 25 to 75 MSAs ​1Q 2013 1Q 2013 HPI Report ​Pages 13 – 21
Recent Differences Between Appreciation Rates Reflected in the Purchase-Only and All-Transactions Indexes ​4Q 2012 4Q 2012 HPI Report Pages 12 – 18
Expanding the Number of Expanded-Data Indexes to 25 MSAs 3Q 2012 3Q 2012 HPI Report Pages 12 – 16
Distress-Free House Price Indexes 2Q 2012 2Q 2012 HPI Report Pages 12 – 23
Options for Construction "Distress-Free" House Price Indexes 1Q 2012 1Q 2012 HPI Report ​Pages 12 – 19
Exploring Negative Revisions in the Monthly HPI ​4Q 2011 4Q 2011 HPI Report ​Pages 12 – 17
Expanded-Data HPI: House Prices and the Oil & Gas Industry 3Q 2011 3Q 2011 HPI Report Pages 12 –21
Introduction of Expanded-Data House Price Indexes 2Q 2011 2Q 2011 HPI Report ​Pages 13 – 25
Implementation of New Index Weighting System 1Q 2011 1Q 2011 HPI Report ​Pages 10 – 16
Price Trends for Homes that are Frequently Traded 4Q 2010 4Q 2010 HPI Report ​Pages 10 – 14
House Price Indexes Estimated with Additional Data from County Recorder Offices 3Q 2010 3Q 2010 HPI Report Pages 10 – 16
Condominium Indexes ​2Q 2010 2Q 2010 HPI Report ​Pages 10 – 14
New House Price Indexes for Puerto Rico 1Q 2010 1Q 2010 HPI Report Pages 10 – 15
Conversion to New Software for Address Processing 4Q 2009 4Q 2009 HPI Report ​Pages 10 – 12
The Impact of Distressed Sales on FHFA's Index for California 3Q 2009 3Q 2009 HPI Report ​Pages 10 – 13
Discussion of New Indexes and Recent Research ​1Q 2009 1Q 2009 HPI Report Pages 11 – 12
Evaluation of the National Weighting System (Update) and Release of Purchase-Only Indexes for Select Metro Areas 4Q 2008 4Q 2008 HPI Report ​Pages 11 – 14
Assessing the Weights used in the Construction of the National House Price Index 3Q 2008 3Q 2008 HPI Report Pages 11 – 17
Discussion of Relationship between Price Trends and Borrower and Financing Types ​2Q 2008 2Q 2008 HPI Report Pages 11 – 12
Technical Note on Future Plans to Update OFHEO HPI-S&P/Case-Shiller Reconciliation Analyses 4Q 2007 4Q 2007 HPI Report ​Pages 9 – 17
Foreclosures and House Prices ​3Q 2007 3Q 2007 HPI Report Pages 11 – 17
Monthly House Price Indexes 2Q 2007 2Q 2007 HPI Report ​Pages 9 – 17
New "Purchase-Only" House Price Indexes: Comments and Statistics 1Q 2007 1Q 2007 HPI Report ​Pages 8 – 17
The Market Slowdown and Home Prices in the Suburbs and Exurbs 4Q 2006 4Q 2006 HPI Report ​Pages 8 – 12
Home Price Appreciation in Rural Areas ​3Q 2006 3Q 2006 HPI Report Pages 8 – 14
Appreciation Rate Declines 2Q 2006 2Q 2006 HPI Report Pages 7 – 9
Cash-Out Refinances and Estimated Appreciation Rates ​1Q 2006 1Q 2006 HPI Report ​Pages 5 – 7
Initial Indications of Hurricane Katrina's Effects on Housing Markets 4Q 2005 4Q 2005 HPI Report Pages 8 – 9
Home Prices and Hurricanes 3Q 2005 3Q 2005 HPI Report ​Pages 7 – 14
Inclusion of Expensive Homes in the HPI 4Q 2005 4Q 2005 HPI Report ​Pages 8 – 9
HPI Revisions ​1Q 2005 1Q 2005 HPI Report Pages 6 – 7
Quarterly Price Slowdown in Many Areas ​4Q 2004 4Q 2004 HPI Report Pages 6 – 7
Regional Highlights (North Carolina and California) 3Q 2004 3Q 2004 HPI Report ​Pages 6 – 9
House Prices Take Off—Almost Everywhere ​4Q 2003 4Q 2003 HPI Report Pages 3 – 4
​Focus on Hawaii, Mountain States, Northeast 3Q 2003 3Q 2003 HPI Report Pages 3 – 5
Spotlight on California's Continued Stellar Housing Markets 2Q 2003 2Q 2003 HPI Report Pages 3 – 4
Regional Performance and Comparison 3Q 2002 3Q 2002 HPI Report Pages 4 – 7
A Closer Look at "Bubble Areas" 2Q 2002 2Q 2002 HPI Report Pages 4 – 7
Housing Prices Continue to Grow at Healthy Rates 1Q 2002 1Q 2002 HPI Report ​Pages 3 – 4
Housing Prices Slow Substantially in Fourth Quarter 2001 4Q 2001 4Q 2001 HPI Report Pages 4 – 5
Spotlight on California: Silicon Valley/Northern Bay Area ​3Q 2001 3Q 2001 HPI Report Page 2
2001 Average Implied Annual Growth High 2Q 2001 2Q 2001 HPI Report Pages 2 – 3
Maryland and Virginia Suburbs Begin to Reflect DC Growth ​1Q 2001 1Q 2001 HPI Report ​Pages 2 – 3
How the Use the Price to Income Ratio to Determine the Presence of Housing Bubbles 4Q 2000 4Q 2000 HPI Report ​Pages 7 – 10
Bay Area Continues to Dominate Top 10 MSAs for Most Rapid Appreciation 2Q 2000 2Q 2000 HPI Report ​Pages 24 – 25
Rural Area House Prices Appreciate More Rapidly than Metro Areas in 1990s 1Q 2000 1Q 2000 HPI Report Pages 24 – 31 ​​​​