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House Price Index Datasets

Master HPI Data (Appends Quarterly and Monthly Data)Format
Data[CSV] / [JSON] / [XML] / [SQL]
Specifications (layouts) for the downloadable files listed below[XLS]


Monthly Purchase-Only Indexes (Estimated using Sales Price Data) Format
U.S. and Census Division (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted) January 1991 - Latest Month     [XLS]
U.S. and Census Division (Seasonally Adjusted): Latest 18-Month Summary [XLS]
U.S. and Census Division (Not Seasonally Adjusted): Latest 18-Month Summary [XLS]


Purchase-Only Indexes (Estimated using Sales Price Data)Format
U.S. Summary[XLS]
U.S. and Census Divisions (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[TXT] / [XLS]
States (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[TXT] / [XLS]
100 Largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[TXT] / [XLS]
Select Metropolitan Areas—Distress-Free Measures (Developmental Index; Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[TXT] / [XLS]
Puerto Rico (Developmental Index; Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[XLS]
Manufactured Homes (Developmental Index, Not Seasonally Adjusted)[XLSX]


All-Transactions Indexes (Estimated using Sales Prices and Appraisal Data)Format
U.S. and Census Divisions (Not Seasonally Adjusted)[TXT] / [CSV]
States (Not Seasonally Adjusted)[TXT] / [CSV]
Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Divisions (Not Seasonally Adjusted)[TXT] / [CSV]
State Nonmetropolitan Areas (Not Seasonally Adjusted)[XLS]
Puerto Rico (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted)[XLS]
​Three-Digit ZIP Codes (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted)[XLSX]​
Manufactured Homes (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted)[XLSX]
House Price Changes in Largest MSAs (Ranked and Unranked)[PDF]


Expanded-Data Indexes (Estimated using Enterprise, FHA, and Real Property County Recorder Data from a Licensed Vendor for sales below the annual loan limit ceiling)Format
​U.S. (Not Adjusted) 1975Q1 – Present[XLS​]
U.S. and Census Divisions (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[TXT] / [XLS]
States (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[TXT] / [XLS]
50 Largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted)[TXT] / [XLS]


Summary Statistics for House PricesFormat
Median Prices for Manufactured Homes (Developmental Index, Purchase-Only, Not Seasonally Adjusted)[XLS​X]
Median Prices for Manufactured Homes (Developmental Index; All-Transactions, Not Seasonally Adjusted)[XLSX]
State Volatility Parameters Format
Purchase-Only Indexes Volatility (Estimated using Sales Price Data) [TXT] / [XLS]
All-Transactions Indexes Volatility (Estimated using Sales Prices and Appraisal Data) [TXT] / [XLS]


Annual House Price Indexes (see Working Papers 16-0116-02, and 16-04) Format
U.S. (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted) [XLSX]
States (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted) [XLSX]
CBSAs (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted) [XLSX]
Counties (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted) [XLSX]
Three-Digit ZIP Codes (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted) [XLSX]
Five-Digit ZIP Codes (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted) [XLSX]
Census Tracts (Developmental Index; Not Seasonally Adjusted) [CSV]


Summary Statistics for House Prices Format
Quarterly Average and Median Prices for States and U.S.: 2000Q1-2010Q2 [XLS]


Utility Files and Background Information for Index Construction Format
Lookup Tables for 2018 Metropolitan Area Codes (from Technical Note in 2018Q4 Quarterly HPI report) [XLS]
Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Divisions (Not Seasonally Adjusted) using 2009 and 2013 delineations (see Technical Note in 2​013Q3 Quarterly HPI report) [CSV]
Lookup Table for 2009 and 2013 Metropolitan Area Codes (from Technical Note in 2013Q2 Quarterly HPI report) [XLS]
State Shares of Detached Housing Stock by Year (Weights Used in Index Construction beginning in February 2014) [XLSX]


Expanded-Data Indexes, 2023Q2 (see Technical Note in 2023Q4M10 Monthly HPI report) Format
​U.S. (Not Adjusted) 1975Q1 – 2023Q2 [XLS]
U.S. and Census Divisions (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted) – 2023Q2 [TXT] / [XLS]
States (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted) – 2023Q2 [TXT] / [XLS]
50 Largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Seasonally Adjusted and Not Adjusted) – 2023Q2 [TXT] / [XLS]


Related Data​ Format
Loan Purposes by Quarter (Contains Refinance Share) [XLS]
Comparisons of HPI and S&P/Case-Shiller Indexes [XLS]


Change in FHFA State House Price Indexes
(Seasonally Adjusted, Purchase-Only Index, 2024Q4)

State Rank SA 1 Period SA 1 Year SA 5 Year SA Since 1991
Connecticut 1 2.81 8.32 71.59 199.98
New Jersey 2 2.60 8.32 69.86 315.16
Wyoming 3 1.76 8.25 52.01 444.67
Vermont 4 1.71 8.09 74.55 327.21
Rhode Island 5 2.15 7.64 71.16 318.24
Illinois 6 1.96 7.45 52.06 210.44
New Hampshire 7 1.52 7.31 75.07 364.57
New York 8 2.12 7.14 60.24 303.00
Maine 9 1.49 6.89 78.49 376.62
Wisconsin 10 2.02 6.88 61.03 343.96
Montana 11 1.52 6.78 77.10 636.69
Nebraska 12 1.77 6.72 55.97 327.75
Ohio 13 1.68 6.67 61.43 241.47
Kentucky 14 1.84 6.66 58.40 293.63
Nevada 15 3.55 6.66 55.92 326.08
Idaho 16 2.30 6.52 71.94 549.30
Pennsylvania 17 1.56 6.32 54.00 260.36
Maryland 18 2.53 6.05 46.41 270.35
Indiana 19 1.54 6.00 61.39 259.96
Massachusetts 20 1.73 5.77 55.43 364.59
Kansas 21 1.53 5.66 55.93 298.21
Virginia 22 1.17 5.65 55.31 315.42
New Mexico 23 1.91 5.38 57.53 302.98
Iowa 24 1.92 5.32 46.34 268.87
South Carolina 25 1.88 5.32 72.13 339.67
West Virginia 26 2.93 5.12 48.35 229.94
Alaska 27 1.23 4.99 42.35 276.01
Delaware 28 -0.02 4.84 54.76 235.33
Minnesota 29 1.41 4.80 41.51 324.46
Alabama 30 1.42 4.78 57.33 265.64
Georgia 31 1.39 4.78 68.26 326.28
North Carolina 32 1.89 4.77 72.14 338.45
Tennessee 33 1.23 4.75 71.27 379.57
Utah 34 1.60 4.74 63.02 625.54
Missouri 35 0.67 4.67 56.43 291.29
Michigan 36 0.48 4.60 56.86 272.36
Hawaii 37 -2.68 3.98 52.70 301.88
District of Columbia 38 3.55 3.75 12.63 532.18
Washington 39 1.02 3.47 51.43 487.91
Oklahoma 40 1.05 3.40 51.18 275.49
Arkansas 41 -0.54 3.38 58.67 258.17
North Dakota 42 1.16 3.11 35.01 327.24
Oregon 43 0.98 3.03 42.55 534.25
South Dakota 44 0.84 2.86 56.50 387.78
Texas 45 1.22 2.26 50.09 349.18
California 46 0.48 2.15 45.77 324.90
Florida 47 2.26 2.15 74.79 465.57
Colorado 48 0.76 1.88 45.31 596.73
Arizona 49 0.93 1.22 66.16 472.13
Louisiana 50 1.02 0.48 26.69 259.76
Mississippi 51 0.87 -0.15 48.38 216.23

Rankings are based on the 1-year change in the HPI values.

Change in FHFA Metropolitan Area House Price Indexes
(All Transactions Index, 2024Q4)

Metropolitan Area Rank NSA 1 Period NSA 1 Year NSA 5 Year NSA Since 1991
Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ 1 3.56 12.47 88.02 275.27
Idaho Falls, ID 2 2.71 10.82 70.65 399.80
Syracuse, NY 3 1.34 10.67 69.45 200.30
Rochester, NY 4 0.19 10.48 69.96 193.73
Scranton--Wilkes-Barre, PA 5 -0.67 10.09 62.11 214.36
Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC 6 3.65 10.08 75.35 295.81
Rockford, IL 7 1.45 9.95 64.88 170.89
Topeka, KS 8 1.88 9.82 60.06 237.11
Merced, CA 9 3.63 9.71 54.31 269.00
Burlington-South Burlington, VT 10 1.45 9.40 62.78 319.60
Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA 11 -0.55 9.34 62.23 215.22
Montgomery, AL 12 2.38 9.20 50.83 156.50
Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown, CT 13 0.37 9.03 62.63 153.35
Newark, NJ-PA (MSAD) 14 1.36 8.90 58.27 284.28
Niles, MI 15 0.82 8.88 60.76 309.20
Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY 16 0.73 8.85 61.79 249.58
Norwich-New London, CT 17 2.78 8.73 66.51 184.51
Toledo, OH 18 1.51 8.69 54.10 192.71
Miami-Miami Beach-Kendall, FL (MSAD) 19 2.12 8.69 89.36 668.91
New Haven-Milford, CT 20 1.15 8.62 66.42 178.94
Salinas, CA 21 3.33 8.61 50.14 341.76
York-Hanover, PA 22 1.48 8.56 57.60 210.96
Lynchburg, VA 23 1.04 8.49 59.07 279.20
Columbia, MO 24 0.09 8.46 58.84 279.40
Manchester-Nashua, NH 25 -0.15 8.25 67.31 310.83
Oshkosh-Neenah, WI 26 -1.24 8.22 62.07 281.91
Salisbury, MD-DE 27 1.10 8.22 61.16 319.20
Muskegon, MI 28 0.57 8.21 74.49 326.99
Jefferson City, MO 29 2.16 8.15 63.57 281.74
Camden, NJ (MSAD) 30 0.55 8.06 76.30 241.05
Lake County-Kenosha County, IL-WI (MSAD) 31 0.92 8.05 50.95 179.59
Fort Wayne, IN 32 1.26 7.98 72.59 239.64
Winston-Salem, NC 33 1.41 7.91 70.24 245.21
New York-Jersey City-White Plains, NY-NJ (MSAD) 34 0.62 7.86 43.82 309.75
Champaign-Urbana, IL 35 0.49 7.79 49.75 201.61
Nassau County-Suffolk County, NY (MSAD) 36 0.95 7.79 50.62 360.98
Bloomington, IL 37 2.50 7.78 54.44 187.85
Racine, WI 38 1.08 7.72 56.37 273.21
New Brunswick-Lakewood, NJ (MSAD) 39 1.31 7.72 66.55 316.43
Detroit-Dearborn-Livonia, MI (MSAD) 40 0.25 7.71 52.17 227.11
Providence-Warwick, RI-MA 41 0.25 7.70 64.34 289.70
Yakima, WA 42 2.73 7.67 54.46 417.76
Lafayette-West Lafayette, IN 43 -0.05 7.66 64.74 245.00
Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, NV 44 1.27 7.43 58.90 295.91
Worcester, MA-CT 45 0.38 7.36 59.91 269.15
Roanoke, VA 46 0.23 7.31 63.35 280.08
Logan, UT-ID 47 2.16 7.30 70.85 529.27
Akron, OH 48 0.60 7.28 56.52 213.53
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI 49 0.11 7.27 55.07 296.31
Rockingham County-Strafford County, NH (MSAD) 50 -0.56 7.26 67.13 342.64
South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI 51 0.90 7.25 65.57 263.64
Knoxville, TN 52 0.65 7.21 89.25 395.37
Sheboygan, WI 53 3.25 7.13 66.58 326.89
Elgin, IL (MSAD) 54 0.57 7.10 53.25 177.69
Janesville-Beloit, WI 55 -0.27 7.09 62.94 328.34
Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL 56 2.87 7.06 70.73 377.10
Lansing-East Lansing, MI 57 0.25 7.05 52.27 215.85
Dayton-Kettering, OH 58 -1.04 7.03 58.45 189.11
Wilmington, DE-MD-NJ (MSAD) 59 0.14 7.03 55.64 218.37
Lincoln, NE 60 0.91 6.97 52.28 300.89
Columbia, SC 61 0.87 6.97 64.02 248.40
Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA 62 -0.21 6.96 53.90 227.82
Columbus, OH 63 1.20 6.96 61.81 293.84
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC 64 1.54 6.94 53.57 289.47
Greensboro-High Point, NC 65 0.24 6.92 68.92 226.57
Mobile, AL 66 0.81 6.92 55.89 266.14
El Paso, TX 67 1.00 6.86 63.01 237.09
Monroe, MI 68 0.15 6.79 46.99 217.67
Anaheim-Santa Ana-Irvine, CA (MSAD) 69 0.60 6.78 54.61 373.88
Chicago-Naperville-Evanston, IL (MSAD) 70 0.05 6.77 43.67 208.59
Cleveland-Elyria, OH 71 0.34 6.77 57.08 194.72
Lancaster, PA 72 0.52 6.72 61.50 246.42
Hagerstown-Martinsburg, MD-WV 73 3.52 6.70 56.18 231.47
Grand Junction, CO 74 -0.06 6.69 61.10 499.73
Trenton-Princeton, NJ 75 -0.50 6.66 67.64 238.08
Huntsville, AL 76 -1.12 6.65 66.60 239.11
Canton-Massillon, OH 77 -1.10 6.65 53.33 220.97
Elkhart-Goshen, IN 78 -0.02 6.61 57.46 252.33
Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, CT 79 1.26 6.58 60.50 223.43
Bellingham, WA 80 -1.21 6.54 54.85 476.98
Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN 81 0.59 6.45 50.59 291.73
Madera, CA 82 2.30 6.43 60.71 304.41
Poughkeepsie-Newburgh-Middletown, NY 83 1.16 6.43 62.09 231.27
Charleston-North Charleston, SC 84 2.18 6.43 77.86 536.36
Appleton, WI 85 -0.34 6.38 62.38 281.29
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ 86 0.98 6.34 64.07 207.88
Montgomery County-Bucks County-Chester County, PA (MSAD) 87 0.25 6.33 53.53 243.46
Barnstable Town, MA 88 0.24 6.27 70.56 427.95
Charlottesville, VA 89 0.57 6.24 51.62 332.22
Portland-South Portland, ME 90 1.17 6.15 73.83 368.20
Seattle-Bellevue-Kent, WA (MSAD) 91 -0.16 6.14 47.96 484.10
St. Louis, MO-IL 92 1.02 6.12 48.75 237.26
Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN 93 0.82 6.08 61.42 247.18
Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI (MSAD) 94 -0.15 6.05 48.42 236.71
Asheville, NC 95 0.04 6.04 68.93 503.69
Fresno, CA 96 0.87 6.04 53.81 286.17
Frederick-Gaithersburg-Rockville, MD (MSAD) 97 1.01 5.99 41.54 251.86
Richmond, VA 98 0.07 5.98 59.60 306.38
Evansville, IN-KY 99 0.18 5.93 51.25 244.34
Medford, OR 100 0.68 5.92 39.00 403.67
Grand Rapids-Kentwood, MI 101 -0.45 5.92 62.91 315.94
San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA 102 1.05 5.91 61.16 410.00
Green Bay, WI 103 -1.16 5.89 63.68 299.15
Pittsburgh, PA 104 0.17 5.87 45.46 262.85
Springfield, MA 105 2.39 5.86 57.11 207.13
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD) 106 -0.50 5.79 38.73 288.38
Greenville-Anderson, SC 107 1.88 5.77 69.09 344.38
Gary, IN (MSAD) 108 0.77 5.70 53.88 242.68
Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach-Sunrise, FL (MSAD) 109 1.92 5.66 75.10 492.23
Philadelphia, PA (MSAD) 110 0.84 5.64 41.74 286.32
Ann Arbor, MI 111 0.79 5.63 45.12 265.98
St. Cloud, MN 112 -0.99 5.61 49.56 304.49
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD 113 0.13 5.59 41.90 246.61
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD) 114 0.65 5.59 48.41 341.40
Salt Lake City, UT 115 0.53 5.58 59.66 644.94
Tulsa, OK 116 1.84 5.52 56.84 272.73
Springfield, IL 117 -0.24 5.50 41.11 154.58
Madison, WI 118 0.61 5.50 54.87 369.35
San Rafael, CA (MSAD) 119 2.34 5.44 27.15 305.18
Anchorage, AK 120 -2.19 5.44 38.20 272.70
Reno, NV 121 0.31 5.40 49.95 361.77
Flint, MI 122 -1.02 5.35 51.47 213.85
Boston, MA (MSAD) 123 0.36 5.29 50.28 365.78
Duluth, MN-WI 124 -1.43 5.29 52.50 405.23
Visalia, CA 125 1.83 5.28 57.87 259.92
Eau Claire, WI 126 -0.29 5.24 58.25 398.11
Tacoma-Lakewood, WA (MSAD) 127 0.41 5.24 54.36 457.89
Coeur d'Alene, ID 128 -2.56 5.22 70.29 599.54
Oklahoma City, OK 129 -0.57 5.22 50.62 294.07
Springfield, MO 130 1.15 5.22 65.07 275.76
Cambridge-Newton-Framingham, MA (MSAD) 131 0.51 5.20 48.55 358.65
Lafayette, LA 132 3.26 5.15 25.86 238.79
Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL 133 -0.22 5.14 65.65 372.34
Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA 134 0.17 5.08 59.85 303.30
Bismarck, ND 135 1.61 5.02 33.63 366.29
Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN 136 1.08 4.99 59.79 247.41
Wilmington, NC 137 0.32 4.98 74.07 421.24
Reading, PA 138 -0.20 4.98 61.61 199.26
Provo-Orem, UT 139 -1.41 4.94 59.50 545.94
Baton Rouge, LA 140 -0.05 4.92 26.92 250.62
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA 141 -0.18 4.92 40.74 279.03
Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater, WA 142 -1.33 4.88 58.01 440.87
Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL 143 -0.86 4.87 39.11 236.99
Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC 144 0.87 4.85 61.95 229.53
Athens-Clarke County, GA 145 0.95 4.82 77.54 363.29
Birmingham-Hoover, AL 146 0.53 4.82 49.52 264.83
Lexington-Fayette, KY 147 -0.02 4.79 58.94 282.27
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY 148 -1.64 4.78 52.94 206.60
Kansas City, MO-KS 149 -0.76 4.78 56.68 300.63
Durham-Chapel Hill, NC 150 0.26 4.76 67.43 344.03
Oakland-Berkeley-Livermore, CA (MSAD) 151 2.91 4.68 33.46 361.79
Albuquerque, NM 152 0.28 4.68 60.38 291.99
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI 153 0.20 4.68 37.75 302.55
Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA 154 0.12 4.63 51.76 295.39
Modesto, CA 155 0.03 4.62 45.89 247.08
Boise City, ID 156 0.77 4.58 63.16 546.52
Napa, CA 157 2.47 4.53 34.04 336.55
Ogden-Clearfield, UT 158 1.58 4.48 62.49 527.37
La Crosse-Onalaska, WI-MN 159 -1.63 4.45 49.16 349.25
Rochester, MN 160 -1.25 4.39 42.16 268.82
Peoria, IL 161 -0.11 4.36 41.03 198.08
Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR 162 0.42 4.35 76.08 359.92
Chattanooga, TN-GA 163 0.42 4.31 74.07 358.61
Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN 164 -0.12 4.28 65.94 467.10
Kalamazoo-Portage, MI 165 -2.86 4.21 53.28 248.05
Wausau-Weston, WI 166 -1.11 4.21 53.42 273.20
West Palm Beach-Boca Raton-Boynton Beach, FL (MSAD) 167 0.45 4.20 79.84 476.13
Jacksonville, FL 168 -0.18 4.19 65.48 401.54
Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA 169 -0.09 4.19 66.19 310.49
Wichita, KS 170 -0.42 4.15 57.02 241.93
Redding, CA 171 -0.90 4.14 36.23 229.33
Mount Vernon-Anacortes, WA 172 3.35 4.14 60.87 456.55
Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA 173 -1.56 4.13 55.00 326.56
Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA 174 -0.70 4.10 43.67 253.81
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC 175 0.39 4.07 71.74 349.74
Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA 176 -0.08 4.04 59.62 469.98
Pueblo, CO 177 -2.86 3.99 53.43 393.90
St. George, UT 178 0.27 3.96 66.68 439.24
Jackson, MS 179 -0.40 3.93 38.43 178.25
Ocala, FL 180 3.62 3.91 75.76 318.65
Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX (MSAD) 181 0.68 3.91 56.27 350.14
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA 182 0.32 3.88 37.41 518.30
Urban Honolulu, HI 183 -0.33 3.85 35.89 242.48
Flagstaff, AZ 184 -1.65 3.84 71.47 525.58
Raleigh-Cary, NC 185 0.14 3.78 65.05 335.12
Spartanburg, SC 186 -0.92 3.72 69.87 287.38
Naples-Marco Island, FL 187 1.61 3.69 80.11 505.36
Greeley, CO 188 -0.62 3.64 42.86 492.84
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC-NC 189 2.51 3.54 75.18 359.10
Port St. Lucie, FL 190 -0.18 3.50 76.34 393.51
San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood City, CA (MSAD) 191 0.32 3.50 15.70 376.10
Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA 192 -0.37 3.47 28.24 304.85
Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO 193 0.30 3.30 43.23 580.34
Fort Worth-Arlington-Grapevine, TX (MSAD) 194 0.54 3.30 53.69 324.24
Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX 195 0.35 3.29 44.19 326.50
Colorado Springs, CO 196 -0.38 3.24 49.58 453.42
Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, AR 197 -1.14 3.23 47.11 222.55
Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA 198 0.32 3.19 42.05 255.25
Longview, WA 199 1.39 3.17 47.93 438.76
Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ 200 0.13 3.14 69.09 488.41
Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, FL 201 0.72 3.12 68.26 370.20
The Villages, FL 202 2.08 3.07 59.59
Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA 203 -2.85 3.06 44.69 293.02
Cedar Rapids, IA 204 -0.20 3.04 39.04 206.71
Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ 205 0.57 3.00 62.33 309.89
Memphis, TN-MS-AR 206 -0.64 2.99 49.80 207.31
Stockton, CA 207 -0.89 2.93 45.62 251.37
Bend, OR 208 -0.80 2.92 58.48 614.17
Salem, OR 209 0.85 2.90 48.54 494.72
Kennewick-Richland, WA 210 0.85 2.80 51.37 378.50
Billings, MT 211 -0.95 2.58 54.45 434.47
Bremerton-Silverdale-Port Orchard, WA 212 3.21 2.57 47.23 418.67
Prescott Valley-Prescott, AZ 213 0.04 2.56 59.55 439.29
Fargo, ND-MN 214 -1.86 2.52 33.66 292.25
Fort Collins, CO 215 -0.72 2.52 44.72 544.83
Bakersfield, CA 216 0.30 2.49 56.29 239.68
Albany-Lebanon, OR 217 -2.21 2.49 51.48 589.85
Boulder, CO 218 0.54 2.49 40.60 618.40
Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA 219 0.39 2.48 32.24 333.53
Eugene-Springfield, OR 220 -1.37 2.45 48.27 459.38
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA 221 -0.52 2.35 36.42 433.00
Wenatchee, WA 222 -0.26 2.31 53.73 518.61
Tucson, AZ 223 -1.32 2.30 65.72 364.15
Sioux Falls, SD 224 0.06 2.21 52.27 347.79
Savannah, GA 225 -1.45 2.18 77.13 438.29
Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL 226 2.29 2.04 69.27 375.71
Amarillo, TX 227 -0.39 2.02 43.79 281.13
San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX 228 4.07 1.99 49.58 357.13
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL 229 -0.90 1.88 77.61 480.18
Waco, TX 230 -1.23 1.82 56.28 349.56
Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL 231 0.99 1.58 73.83 370.66
Yuba City, CA 232 3.31 1.40 47.35 277.11
New Orleans-Metairie, LA 233 0.13 0.85 25.47 285.27
Lubbock, TX 234 0.27 0.34 40.92 231.65
Chico, CA 235 -1.46 -0.08 25.56 269.44
North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton, FL 236 0.76 -0.53 73.80 442.88
Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown, TX 237 -1.06 -0.80 47.35 579.98
San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA 238 -4.68 -1.66 40.19 302.93
Vallejo, CA 239 -4.63 -2.08 27.34 233.87
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL 240 -0.39 -2.44 67.84 353.01
Punta Gorda, FL 241 2.47 -4.94 64.34 318.89

MSAs are defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). If specified criteria are met and an MSA contains a single core population greater than 2.5 million, the MSA is divided into Metropolitan Divisions. The following MSAs have been divided into Metropolitan Divisions: Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH; Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL-IN-WI; Dallas-Fort Worth- Arlington, TX; Detroit-Warren-Livonia, MI; Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA; Miami- Fort Lauderdale-Miami Beach, FL; New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA; Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD; San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA; Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA; and Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV. For these MSAs, FHFA reports data for each Division, rather than the MSA as a whole. FHFA requires that an MSA (or Metropolitan Division) must have at least 1,000 total transactions before it may be published. Additionally, an MSA or Division must have had at least 10 transactions in any given quarter for that quarterly value to be published. Blanks are displayed where this criterion is not met.

FHFA uses the revised Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and Divisions as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in the latest year. These MSAs and Divisions are based on Census data. According to OMB, an MSA comprises the central county or counties containing the core, plus adjacent outlying counties having a high degree of social and economic integration with the central county as measured through commuting.

For information about the current MSAs, please visit:

Change in FHFA US Combined and Census Division House Price Indexes
(Seasonally Adjusted, Purchase-Only Index, 2024Q4)

Census Division Rank SA 1 Period SA 1 Year SA 5 Year SA Since 1991
United States 1.43 4.51 57.13 327.82
Middle Atlantic Division 1 2.02 7.10 60.03 289.88
New England Division 2 1.95 6.96 66.49 317.30
East North Central Division 3 1.48 6.29 58.18 256.38
West North Central Division 4 1.29 5.00 50.23 305.28
Eastern South Central Division 5 1.36 4.44 61.04 300.73
South Atlantic Division 6 1.88 4.23 66.88 359.83
Mountain Division 7 1.52 3.69 59.63 500.99
Pacific Division 8 0.55 2.56 46.57 365.54
West South Central Division 9 1.03 2.27 47.88 321.74

States in Each Census Division

Pacific Census Division: Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California

Mountain Census Division: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico

West North Central: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri

West South Central: Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana

East North Central: Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio

East South Central: Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama

New England: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut

Middle Atlantic: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

South Atlantic: Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida

When using the FHFA House Price Calculator, please note that it does not project the actual value of any particular house. Rather, it projects what a given house purchased at a point in time would be worth today if it appreciated at the average appreciation rate of all homes in the area. The actual value of any house will depend on the local real estate market, house condition and age, home improvements made and needed, and many other factors. Consult a qualified real estate appraiser in your area to obtain a professional estimate of the current value of your home. Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 requires that any appraisal used in connection with a federally related transaction must be performed by a competent individual whose professional conduct is subject to supervision and regulation. Appraisers must be licensed or certified according to state law.

The FHFA House Price Calculator uses the FHFA Purchase-Only House Price Index (not seasonally adjusted) for all states, including the District of Columbia, and for the largest 100 Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Divisions. For all other Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Divisions the FHFA All-Transactions Index is used. For a list of the largest 100 Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Divisions, click here. For a discussion of the differences between the Purchase-Only Index and the All-Transactions Index, click here.