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  • Date: 06/29/24
    First Name: Joe
    Last Name: Karchikyan
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: N/A
  • Comment

    Majority of Americans that work can not afford to buy a house and the FHFA is focusing on the underserved minority. The FHFA is putting Americans in a position where it is better to make less money to be able to get government support, while people that work hard are brushed to the side. The FHFA is focusing on the minority, when it’s the majority that actually needs help. 15 years of conservatorship is enough. Let go of Fannie and Freddie so the free market can fix this housing crisis. NOTHING government controlled is good. Everyone hates going to the DMV, social security office, public education is mostly terrible, city hall visits are terrible, and now added to the list of terrible government organizations that are doing more harm than good, the FHFA. Sandra Thompson has her own political agendas along with the Biden administration, milking Fannie and Freddie to fund these ridiculous programs that softens Americans. Wake up Joe, it’s not working.