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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/16/24
    First Name: Alison
    Last Name: Ternent
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: 2024-N-5
  • Comment

    Allowing the government to be involved in home equity loans will just cause inflation to become even worse. It will give people easy access to home equity loans, adding direct spending of $2T into the economy, making inflation even worse. Housing is already egregiously expensive. A house is not a piggy bank, and should not be treated like one. I am a lifelong Democrat who is sick of the HUGE government deficit spending. We need to stop spending now. This is not a good plan. The people who will take out these government sponsored home equity loans will be people who cannot afford to pay them back. This will end up in more defaults like in 2008, and we the taxpayers will be forced to bail them out once again. I am tired of paying taxes for other people's bailouts when they take on too much leverage when they can't afford it. Do not enact this plan. All of the forbearances done in COVID are similarly weighing down the economy (part of the reason people can't move is they would have to pay off the lump sum of the 2nd COVID lien). If people can't afford the house they are in, they should sell or foreclose and find something smaller that they can afford. The only time anyone should be receiving help from the government for housing is if they are in the absolute tiniest house, and they can't even afford that. But giving forbearances to people in an $800k house is ridiculous. I have seen the batches of "nonperforming" loans being sold off by the government with rules attached saying that the owner cannot be foreclosed upon for 5+ years, and some are for very expensive houses. No wonder housing cost is egregious. Keep government out of student loans, mortgages, and home equity loans, and inflation would come down. Please do not enact this plan. This plan makes me not want to vote for Biden. Maybe I'll just stay home and won't vote. Thanks.