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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/13/24
    First Name: Aaron
    Last Name: Mead
    Organization: N/A
    City: N/A
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: 2024-N-5
  • Comment

    I'm concerned about the stimulatory impact to the economy, inflation, credit risk, and home prices. Subsidizing ownership equity reducing products presents a moral hazard and designed to be backstopped by tax payers. The government continues to expand stimulus that yields negative impacts in the long run. It is socially irresponsible to continuously pursue relief for the slightest economic discomforts - we would be better off allowing cycles to play out in all but the most extreme circumstances (COVID, stagflation, etc). Promoting the home as an ATM is irresponsible without some sort of needs based eligibility.