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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/10/24
    First Name: Bob
    Last Name: landers
    Organization: N/A
    City: occidental
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: 2024-N-5
  • Comment

    Answers Question 7:
    This new product will not further fair housing, it will reduce fair housing by providing the people that already own homes in a low inventory housing market more opportunity to increase their wealth through government subsidy. We have seen a tremendous increase in home equity across America in the last 4 years. For first time home buyers who do not yet own a home, this product is a slap in the face to now provide government subsidies to the fortunate homeowners and rental home investors who have benefited from the home equity increases of the last 4 years. Rental home owners will use this new mortgage money to increase their wealth, which I believe is the government transferring wealth from the low and middle class to the already wealthy. I am in favor of this product being provided to someone who is an owner occupant of the home they live in, but if this product is provided to home rental property investors, this will be an injustice. This will be the American government taking from the poor and giving to the rich. This product will also make housing prices increase because this will allow home owners to access money at a cheaper rate, allowing them to potentially buy more single family homes. If this product is provided, the FHFA will be responsible for providing more housing price inflation in a housing market already in crisis!!!!!!

    You want to help people that are in need. I am in favor of this, as long as you actually help the people who need to stay in their homes. Please do not help people who own second homes and are just looking to get richer, our housing market is messed up enough already.