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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 05/06/24
    First Name: Anthony
    Last Name: Mickle
    Organization: The Investment Forum
    City: Port St. Lucie, Florida, United States
    State: N/A
    Attachment: N/A
    Number: 2024-N-5
  • Comment

    I'm all for liquidity of the secondary market and unleashing some of the equity that currently sits in the homes of many American families. I think this will provide a boost to the economy. All that being said, many books were written, and movies were made about what happened in 2008. I ended up on the wrong side of that timeframe after the dust finally settled.

    Many of the targeted customers for this proposal are too young or simply weren't paying attention during the great recession. How will you slow the train down if it starts to derail as it did during those years?

    Cash out refinancing makes people think they are business geniuses and contrary to popular belief, money does change you, making you more of who you already are a lot faster than normal. That's not necessarily the problem though, it's when the fresh new refinanced money runs out.

    Good luck with the bill passing and thank you for your attempts to aid the economy.