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  • Date: 09/05/23
    First Name: m.
    Last Name: sul
    Organization Type: federal government
    Organization: N/A
  • Comment

    RE: Federal Housing finance Agency - Policy Program and Research. 9/5/2023

    Location:Wellesley, MA. - Wingate/Glen Grove Apts.
    Air Force Col. Thomas Schafer, CIA, POW Iran Embassy. Explained psychological torture he went through. Likened it to
    psycho torture of abusive partners. That is level of landlord abuse.
    ---- Landlord shuts water off entire building days owned. Suppose to provide h0t/cold water. Reduce water bill
    --- Tenants' security deposits with A bank (Citizens) interest earned disbursed to landlord not tenants.
    --- MA electric Utility rates highest in nation. Landlord pay heat. Tenants pay electric use.
    --- Federal (electric) Utility allowance denied tenants. Transferrers benefit to Landlord. Overburdensome on tenants who
    pay utility increases and rent increases not dollar-to-dollar loss. Landlord denies tenant right to object.
    --- Landlord shuts heat off in apartments.
    Tenant had multiple problems concurrently landlord refused to fix.
    1. My apartment had no heat all winter 2022-2023. (In the past other managers shut off heat. Tenant demanded they turn
    back on from boiler room. They did.). This team refused to turn heat on. Tenant bought space heaters. Paid for heat.
    Shut off at night. (Dad fireman who died in line of duty.) Freezing cold. Very sick. Landlord refused turn heat on.
    2. Lock on apartment door to building broken for more than two years. Landlord went before Town to get $30,000,000.00
    loan. Manager "we are not wasting money on your apartment." Key not work in lock. Swap with manager Refused.
    Men in area overheard him. Maintenance replaced part of lock and gave another key. New lock on order - will install.
    Never happened. Fire Dept. others order landlord replace lock. Refused.
    3. Refrigerator 30 years old rusting out. Replaced 10/22. Maintenance broke new one in the process. Under warranty.
    landlord refuses to replace it. Milk sours, Freezer doesn't work. Spoilage.
    4. Bathroom toilet leak for years. Floor wall, water-stained, mold, mildew. Wall shut-off valve turn water on when using
    toilet and shut off after flush. Rust. Bronchial asthma.
    5. Bathroom popcorn ceiling big chunk fell on face- eye area when showering. Like shards of glass. Refused make repair.
    6. Mailbox lock in building tampered with. Not lock. Called police. Responded. Told maintenance fix lock and waited.

    If lock opened could not lock it from outside in hall. Had to leave apartment door unlocked when go to mailbox, trash, laundry, etc. Problems with unlocked door.
    --- We exceeded budget for repairs. Not doing repairs for rest of the year.
    ---No, no, no. We are not taking repair requests right now.
    ---Can't leave message on their ans. machine. Fire Dept. couldn't reach them in emergency either.
    ---Weill send maintenance. Wait for hours. No show.
    ---Or hiring vendors to do repairs. Vendors no show. Or come without tools supplies. Claim come back. No return/repairs.
    ---Office staff yell and abuse tenants trying make repair requests.
    ---If maintenance shows up, they have no tools/equipment empty handed. No repairs made.
    ---Office claim have work order for maintenance. No show. Or no work done.
    ---Series of gaslighting, abuse, retaliation. It is like WWIII to report repairs needed.
    Previous maintenance worker had 143 outstanding repair request not done.
    ---Lanldord knew lock broken door not open. At door Management team yelling, screaming at tenant through door. Tenant
    asked them to stop yelling at her. Ms. Bell Replied. " Nothing wrong with this door. Let's get the key and break in."
    ---Worker suggested manager call tenant on phone. Manager refused.
    ---Manager called police report lock on door broken. Tenant to officer "walk around." He did. Not police matter.
    ----Next day landlord called police again. Report no heat in apartment. Informed again - not police matter.
    ----Following week had Constable deliver letter stuck hanging out of mailbox for all to see 5-9p.m. on Friday
    ---Repeatedly at tenant's door. Yelling screaming, all through 1st floor.
    ---Officer informed tenant landlord not make repairs. Contact social worker for assistance.
    ---Maintenace to fix heat. Walked in apartment without tools or equipment, and walked out. No work done.

    ---Tenant bought new lock. Called v.p. Millissa Koseski. I'd pay for lock if landlord pay for installation.
    ---Vendor install LOCK.
    ----Landlord fixed toilet. Ignored popcorn ceiling, refrigerator, etc. Put batteries in thermostat. "You have heat."

    Following week called Wellesley Health Department.
    ----Took reading from broken thermostat 73 degrees. No change when turned above 90. Heat vents cold to touch.
    ---Informed tenant move everything from living room heating vents. 24 hours.
    ---Landlord sent notice same move everything in living room where zone valve located.
    ---Plumber from Boston Cooling and Heating - wrong room. Move everything from vent in bedroom. Said "Health Dept. not
    plumbers, they didn't know. " Not true. Valve located in same spot in every one bedroom apartment. March, 2023.
    ---Plants in living room on plant stands with other furnishings.
    ---Landlord took over solarium. Fastened hose to only working faucet. Attached 2nd hose strewn all over floor, on plant
    tables, up to ceiling window, hang outside. Violate Two water ban. Refused move hoses to maintenance area.
    ---Five months later, Landlord to tenant "you can use solarium."
    ---Fell, ambulance/hospital.
    ----After seven years, not use solarium again for plants.
    ----Landlord destroyed tenant's garden and others garden. Cut down all the flowers.
    ---- Had to move everything back in living room. Then move everything from bedroom vent. Took weeks. Arthritis
    ---Neighbor told tenant. "They are making a fool of you." Other neighbor. I don't touch anything anymore. If they want
    something moved, they can move it themselves."
    ---Wellesley Health Department and Landlord required tenant move and prep for plumber.
    ---BCH plumber came. Removed pristine valve zone. Replaced with pieces of used valve from another site. No heat.
    ----Refused to identify himself.
    informed Wellesley Health Department needed WHD social worker. Adam refused in-house SW. Instead Kate Burnham from Senior Center. She unable to help other tenants who tried for years to get repairs done. K. Burnham very friendly with
    landlord manager D. Callahan and Kerry McCarthy. In seven years, K. Burnham has never spoken with me.
    ---Bathroom popcorn ceiling still falling. Needed asbestos test from specialist.
    ---WHDept. attempted renege on asbestos test. Claimed landlord V.P. Melissa K. had document no asbestos used in
    construction of building. Not true Wingate/Glen Grove third or fourth owners out form original builders.
    ---Tenant checked authorities. Stated need asbestos test. Concern for children, grandchildren and other younger visitors in
    apartment. Affect their lives if mesothelioma. Log time cancer expressed. Elderly die before deected.
    ---Other building tenants to office ask if asbestos. Office: "No." Not based on fact.
    ---Tenants came to my apartment. Questioned me. I didn't know. Stress on me.
    ---Wellesley Health Dept. and landlord put their responsibilities on me.
    ---WHDept. Unhelpful. Gaslighting tenant. Others questioned why they not act.
    ---Requested HUD inspect apartment -prod landlord make repairs.. HUD cancel yearly inspection begin of May, 2023.
    ---Landlord at apartment banging on door and yelling when tenant not home.
    ----Contact tenant for asbestos tests. Vendor arrived with maintenance Yves.
    ---Vendor refused to identify himself and stated he worked for Yves, the janitor.
    ---Stood in hall yelling. "There's no asbestos here."
    ---He came without equipment, stool, etc. Straddled tub.
    ---Cut into popcorn ceiling. Made a remark.
    ---Stood on floor and said he would get sample from wall below toilet. "It is the same as ceiling." It was completely
    different. No samplle from popcorn ceiling.
    --- His company did not do test(s) for asbestos.
    ---Vendor sent wall sample as ceiling sample to another company to do asbestos test.
    ---Lanldord di not supplie tenant with asbestos test report.
    ---before results of tesknown, landlord came in and sprayed ceiling with caustic, very strong substance. No pre-approval
    from WHDept. Very slap happy.
    ---WHDept called schedule exit inspection on June 5, 2023 -three months and 90 plus days after original March, 2023
    inspection given 30 days to complete. Said closing case.
    ---Adam arrived with intern. Landlord lied. Work not done. Inferior quality in bathroom ceiling.
    ---Wellesley Health Dept. responded by changing record. Adam wrote up date June 5, 2023 as original inspection.
    --- March, 2023 was original inspection. Duplicity when stated final inspection. Not tell if heat fixed because it turned off.
    ----Out of blue maintenance at door June 12. "Didn't you get e-mail?" No. Reschedule. Yves refused.
    ----Another screaming fit by manager at door again.
    ---Called WHDept. They scheduled for June 20, 2023. New stove.
    ---Two maintenance men - 70 minutes late. No tools no equipment. Sergi went to get tools. Yves inspected broken
    refrigerator again.
    ---Sergi returned. Yves stated they had to go and get stove. They would be right back. Come right back. They left.
    never returned. Called office. Ans. machine. Called WHDept. Adam called back late afternoon. Tenant waited
    six hours for maintenance. WHDept. they will be back this week with stove. Move everything in kitchen.
    ---Realized there is no way they make repairs. Got off crazy train.
    Cold enemy of arthritis. Contacted Wingate executive office. Requested ADA name and contact for apartment transfer.
    ---Millissa Koseski denied request.
    ---Adam Depriso closed case in August, 2023. more than 150 days after original open case in March 2023, asbestos ceiling
    collapse, no heat, and burner. (They refused to write up other code violations.)

    There is something very wrong when a National magazine can publish cartoon stating: "Your landlord sent me. I'm the
    cheap guy who won't solve the problem." Showing a drawing of a bucket in a living room catching water from a leaking ceiling while tenant stands looking at bearded vendor with satchel of tools. And the readership identifies with it.

    Is bleeding the properties the business model for housing in America? Landlords have a huge reach. No one can make them do repairs. (Except for that policeman who made them fix the lock on my mailbox.)