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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 08/01/23
    First Name: Mei
    Last Name: Shah
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: individual
  • Comment

    I was one of 8 Grandparents who were given rent raises of over $1000 per month in 8 months time. The predatory practices of the Property management company(hired by the landlord to play good cop, bad cop) not only skyrocketed our rent, but didn't include water, sewer, garbage, which was $90 a month. Also, threatening notices included in their frequent rent raises such as, "Parking is free for the time being." We live in the suburbs, no one pays for parking around there."

    One Grandma left early on in the process. A young couple moved in her old apartment. They had barely unpacked 45 days later when they received a rent raise of over $280 per month at the end of their 6 month lease. Zillow stated the apartment was going for $585 above market value at the time.

    Old and Young renters alike in WA state are suffering because of Bad faith practices such as this. Renters make up 47% of the population but have little in protection. Reasonable legislation would fix this but the WA state Realtors association has labeled Rent Stabilzation as Rent Control. This is itself is Bad Faith. They cannot be trusted to operate in Good Faith without reasonable legislation.

    My own Extraordinary son, (Eagle Scout, Youth leader and After-school elementary teacher) DIED shortly after being homeless as a college student. Students cannot afford to pay high rent and attend school at the same time. We say we value our youth, yet our actions don't match our words.