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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Nicole
    Last Name: Shariatmadari
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Louisville Tenants Union
  • Comment

    Hello there, I am Nicole Shariatmadari and I am a tenant living in Louisville, KY. I am also a proud member of the homes Guarantee campaign! I am a college student who has been housing insecure for most of my life while living with a single mom. The realities of single parent households include the issues of having little access to affordable and safe housing options. Rent hikes are highly detrimental to the American public because it only protects corporate revenue over Americans ability to have secure housing. Rent increases are rising and rising while wages and quality of rental properties remain stagnant. These tenants protections create safer and more secure housing options for our people. Rental protections are a simple action that can increase the quality of life for millions of renters in America. SUPPORT THIS!!