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  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Sabrina
    Last Name: Davis
    Organization Type: other
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    The above link is the case in 2020 TEH Realty is a notorious SLUMLOARD which owns several federally funded properties in the US, the owner is from Israel and currently a wanted fugitive. In Kansas City, Missouri one of his properties was being sued by tenants because of the poor conditions and bad management. This is the textbook case and proof that something has to change when it comes to federally funded low income housing. People deserve better because housing is a HUMAN RIGHT! The days of landlords putting profit over people must cease NOW! Peoples lives are at stake. I'm 64 years old and disabled, I had to in with 3 strangers to share rent in a house, because I could no longer afford to live on my own. The RENT IS DAMN HIGH. Had I not found this room to rent I would have been homeless and that would most likely would kill me. Landlords today want renters money, but FAIL to keep properties in good condition. Landlords are buying up distressed properties and then selling that same property for profit in most cases the new owner starts renovations, which causes RENOVICTIONS. Rents go up so high that tenants that have lived in theirs home for years are now faced with having to move and where can they move when the rent is so damn high. I'm surviving for now but if a housemate moves, I'll be stressed looking for another person to rent that room so that we all can stay in the house we share. Did I mention how hard it is to be living with stangers at my age. I am grateful, but affording my own place is key to thriving. Please read the article and STOP greedy slumlords from profitting off the backs of the poor and working class. HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT!
    Thnak you