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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Miriam
    Last Name: Pattison
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Grace-St. Paul
  • Comment

    I am a tenant who has been wrongly evicted TWICE:
    The first was Nov, 2020, despite the moratorium, by a landlord who got around that by claiming "unauthrized modifications & repairs" (even though I had done nothing of the kind.) I was given 15 minutes' notification before I was locked out.
    The second was due to a delusional pathological liar of a property manager who claimed that the landlord wanted to sell the house and wanted a purchase offer from me. Although I submitted the purchase offer, they still filed an eviction on me. That case was dismissed without prejudice, but they filed again, claiming "non-payment of rent" even though I had always paid on time and in full! I ended up having to pay the allegedly unpaid rent amount as a bond in order to appeal. When that case went further up, I had to pay an even greater bond, to allow me to stay for another 6 months (with a rental increase of over 20%) but they still locked me out, with only 24 hours' notice. They also removed all of my belongings, even refusing to allow me to get "essentials" as required by law.