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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Joel
    Last Name: Ellis
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: SC Housing Justice Network
  • Comment

    Dear FHFA and Director Thompson,

    My name is Joel and I'm a cosmetologist in Charleston, SC.

    First things first, THE RENT IS TOO HIGH!!! I'm 27 years old and my brother and I still live at home with our parents because we haven't had affordable options for us. I know we are blessed to be able to live with our parents but it is annoying to not be able to have my own space to settle into as an adult and decorate how I want. Any place that my brother and I could afford together are not great at all and would be a huge downgrade from our parents place.

    Some demands I think should be enacted by the FHFA on these federally backed properties are a rent cap at 3% of inflation, good cause eviction and making sure the housing that exists is habitable, safe and affordable for working people. I promise it's not a supply issue. The amount of new housing that has gone up in Charleston but none of it being affordable is clearly the problem.


    Joel E