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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Anonymous
    Last Name: Tenant
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: Renter
  • Comment

    I think that landlords who use government money to buy up properties should be limited in how much they can raise the rent every year. The rent is too high! It is simply not affordable. I have been at my apartment for nine years and we have late fees, lawyers fees, etc. It's not sustainable. I have to pay $1250+ fees now and its just too much.

    I also believe that these landlords should be held accountable for maintaining their properties. I personally try not to ask if I can fix it myself but everyone deserves a safe, livable home.

    Finally, it should be safe for any tenant to make a complaint. You hear about retaliation and it's just wrong. There needs to be something in place that doesn't allow these landlords to retaliate against their tenants for making valid complaints.