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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Mary
    Last Name: Osborne
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Granite State Tenants + Homes Guarantee
  • Comment

    I am writing to bring attention to the urgent need for stronger tenant protections in the state of New Hampshire–particularly in regards to rent regulation; treatment from landlords and property managers; property quality; and the devastating loss of vital community members due to a lack of affordable housing.

    First and foremost, rent regulation is a critical issue that demands immediate attention in my state. The rapidly increasing rents are putting immense financial strain on tenants, often forcing them to make difficult choices between basic necessities and housing. Implementing rent control measures can help stabilize rental prices and provide much-needed relief to countless New Hampshire residents struggling to keep a roof over their heads.

    Moreover, we cannot overlook the treatment that some tenants receive from certain landlords and property managers. Instances of neglect, harassment, or unfair eviction practices have been reported, which only exacerbate the housing crisis and negatively impact vulnerable members of our communities. It is essential that FHFA ensures that tenants are treated with respect and dignity, and that their rights are protected.

    Quality of housing is another critical concern. Many low-income families and individuals are forced to live in substandard conditions due to limited affordable options. Addressing these issues will significantly improve the living conditions of tenants across the state.

    Additionally, the lack of affordable housing options has led to a troubling trend of community members, who have contributed significantly to the state's growth and prosperity, being displaced from their homes. This loss of valuable community members weakens the social fabric and cohesion of our neighborhoods. My community of Dover, NH has lost so many amazing school teachers and mental health/developmental support persons who have had to leave due to the inability to afford housing. By prioritizing policies that encourage the development of affordable housing and preserve existing communities, we can foster a more inclusive and vibrant New Hampshire.

    While I understand the principles of supply and demand, I strongly believe that raising rents indiscriminately, especially in a time of housing crisis, is unjust and predatory. Many tenants are facing financial hardships, and such rent increases only serve to exacerbate their struggles. FHFA has the power to intervene and create a more equitable rental market. I truly believe the creation of an Office of Tenant Protections to be key to accomplishing this.

    In conclusion, I implore the FHFA to take decisive action to protect the tenants of New Hampshire. By implementing rent regulation, ensuring fair treatment by landlords and property managers, improving housing quality, and promoting affordable housing initiatives, we can safeguard the well-being of our community members and maintain the vitality of our neighborhoods.