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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Shyla
    Last Name: Patera
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: North Central Independent Living Services, Inc.
  • Comment

    My name is Shyla Patera. I am an independent living specialist employed by and representing North Central Independent Living Services in Black Eagle ,Montana. My agency is a center for independent living that is cross disability and serves a 19 county service area in North Central Montana. As a longtime housing advocate Montana and other areas of the United States need and deserve accessible affordable housing stock in multi family single-family and every other program that FHFA manages. We do need renter rights and protections in multi family and single-family rental dwellings. The biggest nickel sees our source of income discrimination or multiple rental fees or tax where the same unit or a property company owns multiple dwelling units. At NCILS, our staff often sees that states and communities do need appropriate financing so that individuals can with disabilities and seniors can either buy ,modify , or repair dwellings, units, and or homes with assisted technologies in order to. age in place in their own homes and communities of choice whether those communities are urban ,small urban ,rural and or frontier community. We hope that Fannie and Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will work with both Americans with disabilities both that that are currently homeowners to housing both accessible and affordable. NCILS hopes that FHFAwill continue to work with those Americans that are under banked or traditionally not served to make homeownership and as well as provide financing communities where universally designed housing stock stock is needed to make universal designed homes a reality for all