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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Laurette
    Last Name: Blanche
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: SC Housing Justice Network
  • Comment

    I have been living as a renter for the past 17 years in the same apartment. My apartment was condemned as of June 2023 for dangerous structural issues. When I was there, I was the nosey neighbor in my neighborhood and my neighbors often came to me for help to get repairs done because the landlord didn't respond to them. I had to call the landlord several days in a row back to back in order to get a sewage problem fixed. Sewage was backing up into my home and causing so many problems. When I couldn't get in touch with the landlord, I had to call the fire department for help. I didn't know who else to call with such a terrible problem in my home such as sewage. By a miracle, one of the firemen knew my landlord personally and called them to report the problem and that's how my issue was resolved. There should be a landlord registry with my landlord's info bc it shouldn't take that much to get in touch with someone!