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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Jacob
    Last Name: Truax
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: Allegiant-Carter
  • Comment

    To whom it may concern,

    As we've seen too often in the past, government's good intentions can result in unintended consequences. In the interest of time, I wanted to point to just one such consequence that I believe will be inevitable if a national rent control measure is passed. When a cap is placed on pricing, it adds an unnecessary and ill-advised disincentive for developers to invest in new housing. The lack of additional investment in new housing puts a damper on the supply side of the equation, and with demand for housing expected to grow, the market will respond by adding stripped down versions of housing. The availability of affordable housing may (or may not) go up, but the availability of quality housing will most assuredly go down (and drastically). Please do not unnecessarily push developers and investors out of the multifamily housing market. American citizens deserve a market-driven market that better algins supply of new housing options with their needs and demands of said housing.