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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/31/23
    First Name: Allison
    Last Name: Stewart
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: Private citizen
  • Comment

    Please create protections for tenants. We need to have rent control to help keep people from losing their homes and possibly becoming homeless, especially elderly people. Landlords are manipulating the rental industry and rent hikes are out of control. I am a teacher and I am unable to afford an apartment as nice as I had 30 years ago even though my income is much higher. In the past I was always able to have a safe place to live while keeping my rent at or under 30% of my income. That is no longer possible. I have to pay more than 40% and I live 45 minutes away from the community where I teach because I cannot afford to live where I teach. The right to the pursuit of happiness of Americans is getting strangled by greed and special interests. Please help. Hardworking Americans deserve the right to a safe home.