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  • Date: 07/30/23
    First Name: Alecandria jaxkaon
    Last Name: Alecandria jackdon
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: Mom
  • Comment

    I rentvat 85 acorn circle apt 6 in moriches nyo i files a order show cause and was denied d twice when i ask the judge for a adjourment to.e a fet lawyer he sId no i was advisw by email for help to file order show cUse she previously month eRliet i ask her she sId ad she told me in previous email that because she hep with the stipulation in which heTherwood refuse nysrap Nd wzive my arrers they just wNt me out i hVe no wriiten notice of complaints o is it because i ask for diabiltu accomdation i Sk my lawyer from nassau suffolk law service for help she she previously assist me with the stopulation they will not be able to help me accordingthe 6 district coury patchougue ny qebsitw sY if you need help contact nassauw auffolk law service or is it because a month before covid i wS almost currwnt thanks to assistace from a one shot deL in which they they hwlp with rwnt arrwrs the amonr that t b e juge rwzd our loud to me and hD me sugh wad almost a 2.000 increase i. Which if you pullthe paymwnt historu from the dwpt of socil service tgey control sheet t b e number increase twics in which it was rgw sMe doller amount
    .when erap first came i wwmt to long hoseing and parttnersip and was who was wirking bery hard as to insure tgT all her client is jouse she could only do and ask for tge requirepaperwork Mrs jo Ginley is very pasionate to help us to male aure that all docoment follow the require gudelines in a rimely manner after she review it sje rold me to go the heTherwood and ask rhem to fix tge ledger I contCt mellis linler and aheheTherwpod sent memany diffrent lelegers. I request rhia on numwrous occasion. So becauae i ama mom in which money it very limite in myhiuseing coury mattet are thsy mad that i had to pay 750 lehal feeztwice two diffrsnt monrh after in whicjaftet h i adk it to be put on thw record that tge judhe added thT heTjerwood will corporiate with houseingg all court paperwork i had a amazimg woeker at riverhead socil service who quixkly imform me that accountat thw dept of SociL service anthor $750, then in the sMe mouth during covid the mariwnce put a sricker on the cry an told me i had 48 to fix the payment amout u cant be ovwe knot evwn one cent I sakaute Mrs kaughly because ahe hohas ro be upates resposbiltu with honest and she respect all the cliwnts she treat all her client with dignity and repect she does her job abd folloqs thev the guideiines if service payment for rent arrers bounce out for 14 cents i had to pay abthor 750 thwn as the same time matience put a stcker on friday and told me i had 48 hours to takw if my sutuation with mitoe vechule ir was friday hw putand told me i had 48 tha tt mon day was memirial so as you see it was noask for a extension of rime they saus nit one bussinwss day because that tues he c a ll rhw to the ca r whwn ralkinf to the tiw truck company he said he had togtalj ro heatherwoos in qhich i wrote nangermwnt in a wmail
    I feel thar if they was a way when someine faceing evictoion that they will be handed resiace plain to peoplee as well asexplUn nin pefir qill be able to help carholux chaeties foe examle and she wull be updat wirh l the satus

    And help naviateyhebhumsn serbice yhan y0u forgive my spelling i useing a
    Adrid lloking forward to yoir ttalk witj yoi lpleae call me after 12 on moday or confim any furyjer assitance