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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/29/23
    First Name: Eduardo
    Last Name: Montoya
    Organization Type: N/A
    Organization: PLAN
  • Comment

    The rent is too high. It’s past time that we reign in the corporations that are profiting off of the lack of affordable housing. Housing is a human right and the unequal level of power between tenants and landlords are exacerbating poverty. Tenants need more protection for us to have more stable and safe communities.

    Government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac work with banks to provide $150 billion annually to landlords without any standards of living or tenant protections. That must end, those corporations should be held accountable because tenants and working families deserve stability in the post Covid era. The US government should do all it can to reign in bad actor landlords to keep families safe in case of another pandemic. This should serve as a lesson learned that we need to close the power gap between landlords and tenants so that tenants can be more stable and not end up house less. We need tenant protections.

    Please help by submitting a comment at for rent regulations and tenant protection!!