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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/29/23
    First Name: Elias
    Last Name: Carraway
    Organization Type: federal government
    Organization: PLAN (Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada)
  • Comment

    My rent was raised by $200 for this leasing period without any notice. When I confronted my landlord about this pricing change, they said it was "market price". Now, including utilities, my rent is an upward of $1300, up from about $1100. Nothing about this apartment has changed, there are no new amenities, no changes, I haven't even gotten a higher paying job. I still make around the minimum wage (as of 2023 is ~$10.50). not even a months worth of wages is enough to cover the rent all alone. Our rent split across 3 paying leasers is over $400, which is over half my paycheck. How am I Supposed to ration out money for unregulated and unreasonable rent when I struggle to even buy my groceries, medication, and take care of my pets. In the 12th century with the feudal lords and peasants, peasants payed near 1/3 of the money they made to *own* their hovel. In 2023. I pay over 1/2 of the money I make to *rent* my home, a place I don't even own.
    My landlords are allowed to add fees to their wish, if not every single person living in the apartment has renters insurance, we get charged a renter insurance non compliance. But day in and day out, working endlessly, where should I find the time to sort out my roommates and assume their responsibilities even though I'm already responsible for myself and that insurance.
    Rent needs to be regulated.