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  • Comment Detail

  • Date: 07/28/23
    First Name: Pamela
    Last Name: Crumpton
    Organization Type: other
    Organization: East Bay Rental Housing Association
  • Comment

    Dear Federal Housing Finance Agency,
    I am a small landlord owner. I purchased the property by working hard and saving money. It is un-American for government agencies to dictate what landlords can charge for rent on their properties. In Oakland, small landlords have suffered because of the moratorium the city council enforced on landlords who own older properties. Many of us have yet to receive rent since the pandemic. Yet we must continue paying mortgages, water, and trash bills. Also, to add insult to injury, the city of Oakland's trash bill and water bill rates have increased. Additionally, we need more money to cover needed maintenance on our property. Pursuing this sweeping overreach could result in the adoption of
    National Rent Control which propagates greater inequity and a lack of affordable housing for renters in the marketplace.
    I implore you to stop the witchhunt against mom-and-pop landlords in America. We are not the problem in many cities in America. Your rent control or stabilization laws will push many landlords to economic ruin.